Part 49 | The Multiverse

Start from the beginning

"I don't know" she replied, walking over to him. "Oh dear, what is going on?"

"These are other versions of myself from alternate realities; Thomas Sharpe, Tom Hiddleston, James Conrad and Loki Laufeyson."

"Interesting" she smiled, looking around at all of them. "Hello everyone, it's lovely to meet you. I'm Eve."

"Is Adam always sulking?" You asked her from your perch on the ceiling. "Hello, Y/n Laufeyson, nice to meet you."

"Hello Y/n, and yes, he spends 99 percent of his time brooding" she chuckled, the other vampire rolling his eyes. "You do love."

"Shush" he grumbled, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"I assume the machine you were working on isn't turned off" Thomas said, Loki teleporting down to the lab to go check.

He came back a moment later, dropping two women in front of him with a disgruntled look.

"Edith?" Thomas smiled, the young woman looking extremely confused.

"Thomas? What is going on? She whisper shouted, looking around everyone nervously.

"Welcome to another reality."

"That's a great help" she sighed.

"Carol? What are you doing here?" Nat questioned.

"Carol?" The woman asked, her brows furrowing. "Conrad, what's going on?"

"What Thomas said" he grinned. "Welcome to another reality."

"Oh for fucks sake" she muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose. "What have you done this time?"

"What do you mean 'this time'?? I didn't do anything."

"Sure sure."

"This is Mason Weaver" Conrad introduced, indicating to the woman. "She went to Skull Island with me."

"The Multiverse is having a fit right now" Tom smirked, leaning against the wall. "You should call Carol Danvers."

"Hey Carol!" You shouted up to the ceiling. "Could you come down here a moment?"

"She's not insane" Loki defended, reading Masons's mind.

"That's creepy."

"I can do worse" he smirked.

There was a bright flash of gold light, Carol appearing beside you on the ceiling. "What's up Laufeyson?"

"Hey Captain" you saluted with a grin. "Look down."

"Oh god" she muttered, catching sight of Mason. "Did you really have to fuck up the Multiverse?"

"In my defence" you replied, jumping down and landing on the floor. "It was actually Loki."

"It's usually you" she mused, landing beside you. "Carol Danvers, nice to meet you."

"Mason Weaver" she replied, shaking Carol's outstretched hand. "Can someone please explain what the hell is happening?"

"Loki and I were attempting to recreate an Einstein Rosen-bridge, but accidentally brought you all here" Bruce explained. "Thomas, Tom, James and Adam are all variants of Loki from other realties."

"Who's the original?" Eve asked with a grin.

"Possibly Tom, actually" Loki commented. "He's an actor in his reality, and acts all of us."

"Who acts me?" Mason asked.

"A woman named Brie Larson" Tom replied. "Edith, Mia Wasikowska and Eve, Tilda Swinton."

"Mia? Interesting name" Edith commented. "What year is it?"

"2022, obviously" Captain Marvel said.

Her face paled. "2022??"

"They're from the late 1800's" you told her. "Cool, right?"

"How old are you?" Eve asked you. "If you don't mind me asking."


"What?!" Mason blurted out. "Sorry, that was rude."

"It's alright" you chuckled. "I'm half elf, and the Goddess of Mischief. Loki here is 1,347 and is the God of Mischief."

"And I am Pietro" the speedster announced, bowing deeply. "Sorry ladies, but I am taken."

"Zip it" Wanda laughed, pulling him up by his collar.

"What? I just wanted to introduce myself. They can't scare me" he declared proudly, puffing up his chest.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Tom smirked.


"Oh, whoops, must be just the movies" he shrugged. "My bad."

"Wait! No no no tell me what happened! Tom! What happened??" He begged, chasing after him as the actor walked into the kitchen. "Tom!"


Sorry for not posting everyone, I have an art assignment to do and then I went to an exhibition with my family last night, it was so much fun

Sorry for not posting everyone, I have an art assignment to do and then I went to an exhibition with my family last night, it was so much fun

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This image represents how I feel dealing with TheGoddessOfVanaheim and SiahLaufeysom

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