Start from the beginning

"Mom, Pete never leave us right mom?" I ask my mom and start to release some sobbs.

"Even if it's hard for me but his condition you know?, Pete will be alright trust him" Mom said and start crying I hug my mom to make him feel good.

The doctor went out of the emergency room.

"Doc, what happened?" I ask and trying not to sobb.

"I'm sorry, we talk about this last month right? His heart getting weaker and weaker. We can't do anything, sorry to say but his life is certain." The doctor said. I can't help but to cry.

"Let him spend the lasts minutes of his life with you, please don't be weak in front of him. He taking his strength from you." The doctor added.

I try to make my self calm for a moment, I don't want to lose him, and I can't lose him. I love him to the point that I can't even live without him, but now knowing his life is certain, i can't help but to cry. I love him not just a sibling, he is the most important person in my life besides mom.

Pete, you will never leave me right?

A month passed by, but Pete still not waking at all. I can't even focus on my studies b'coz I don't want to leave Pete, not even a second.

"Vegas" I hear a voice and I look up to know who is it, but there's nothing, just Pete sleeping.

"Pete, when will you wake up? I badly miss your presence. I miss your voice, your smiles, your laugh even when you are sulking." I said while brushing his soft hair.

The tears slowly falling down into my cheeks.

Another week passed but Pete is not waking up yet.

"Vegas" i hear a weak voice and it's Pete, Pete is now awake!! I slowly hug him and starts crying.

"Pete, I thought you will leave me" I said and letting my tears fall into my cheeks.

"Maybe not now, but soon. Vegas I know you will be sad if I leave you, but don't worry I'll wait for you after life." He said while giving me a smile but I can see the weakness of his smile and the tears falling down into his cheeks.

My mom got inside the room while crying tries to hug Pete.

"Mom, can you please take me into the beach tomorrow night?" Pete said and kiss mom's cheeks.

" We will take you in the beach tomorrow night" my mom said.

"But for now you need to take a rest, sleep if you want, Vegas you should sleep too" mom said.

"No mom, I don't want. " I said.

Mom go out from the room and let me and Pete talk.

"Vegas? Why don't you sleep?" Pete ask me for the 5th time but the same answer I answer I don't want to sleep.

"How about you Pete, why don't you sleep it's getting late" I ask him.

"I'm scared that tomorrow I can't be awake." He said and look down.

I hug him, I kissed his forehead and lay him into the bed,

"Sleep now, I will be on your side." I said.



I talked to mom to let her know something.

"Mom, can we talk?" I said.

I can see mom's tears falling down into her cheeks.

"Mom, if I gone can you please take care of your self? Promise me you will take care to your self mom. Please don't be sad that much huh? I want you to know that I love you, thankyou for being my mother even my real mother don't like me, mom take care of you self, promise me that! I love you mom, I will miss you, " I said while my tears falling down into my cheeks.

When I was a little my real mom doesn't like me at all. My dad let me live with my auntie but my auntie don't like me.

There is a night that unforgettable, it was raining that night and I'm outside's aunties house then I met Vegas and his Mom. Since I met them they let me start my life with them treat me lite a real son.

"Can you please take care of Vegas for me Mom?" I ask and let my self release some sobbs.

"I will, I love you Pete!! I'll miss you" my mom said and hug me tight. I hug him back as respond.



When we arrived at the beach mom cooks Pete's favorite food, Porsche is here too with his boyfriend Kinn, Porsche is the most trusted friend of him, they are childhood friends. But they are rarely talk.

I know that Porsche will be sad if he know that Pete will leave this world. He loved Pete as his sibling even if they are not sibling by blood, they treat each other like siblings.

"Vegas" I hear Pete calling my name so I look at him.

"Pete" I said. As he smiles.

"Let's eat?" He ask, and giving me his warm smile.

"C'mon let's eat" I grabbed his hand and take him into the table where my mom, Porsche and his boyfriend Kinn was here.

After we eat he dragged me into the seashore sit in the sand at he let his head lay in my shoulder as I grabbed his hair and rub his head.

He cries a lot, I can't even help but to cry with him. I saw mom, Porsche and Kinn from a far crying too.

"Pete, let's promise to each other that we will meet after life. Please wait for me." I said while pointing a pinky finger to him.

"Vegas, I'll wait for you, let's meet after life when the world is not that cruel." He said and point a pinky finger to me.

"But for now, you should take care of mom, and your self too." He added and tears falling down on his eyes.

"At first I'm not scared at dying at all. But I found you, I found you as a reason to live, you make me feel what's the real definition of living Vegas. I love you Vegas." He said releasing some sobbs.

I can't stop crying the tears fell down in to my cheeks.

"I love you too" I said and releasing some sobbs.

I kissed him at his forehead I grab his hand. His hand is cold like ice.

"Let's meet after life love" he added and gasping his last breath.

"Let's meet after life" I said and grab his head kissed his forehead and starts crying.

"Wait for me love" I whispered at his ears. I couldn't help but to cry.

Pete, Pete you will wait for me right? Right Pete?

He is gone, not even breathing.

Iloveyou my home, let's meet after life when our love story really exist.


Hi readers!! I may upload the chapter 02  soon, don't worry it'll have a happy ending but for now I need to focus on my study. See yah again!!

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