XXX: Assuming Is In Denial.

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Make it clear.

Ever since the start of class, she got more bold with her actions and she's being more touchy, clingy that leads me to overthink at night.

She'll do things that makes me so confused and when I'll look at her, I'll see a glimpse of something but then it'll quickly fade as she turned her attention to something else.

I really don't want my hopes to get high but what she's doing is so confusing but I can't find courage to confront her and ask directly because what if she's just like that when she gets too comfortable around someone?.... But on the other hand... I can't deny the fact that I may have thought that she might have the same feelings too.

What will change if one of use confessed? I believe we're fine right now... Just not romantically.

Our intimate behavior towards each other keeps on growing and I can't say that I don't like it but it makes me afraid to maintain this for a long time. There are many possibilities and one of those is ending up alone when things turned out to not what I want and if I take the risk, she may get uncomfortable, think that I may have took advantage of our friendship and all, that's why I still can't.

Even how hard I act normal around her. Now that it's just the two of us, strolling around the mall. While she's holding my and pulling me with her.

She went in my house early this morning and asked me to get ready and I can't say no since I thought that we'll also meet our friends but turns out that it'll be just the two of us.

We already ate at a restaurant she chose which is quite expensive and she insist on paying since she said that she just asked for my time to join her but I didn't let her and payed for our meal, saying she can treat us to some dessert.

After some too much sugar treat, I was pulled in a clothing store and I just stayed near her while she looks around yet ending with nothing in hand. This goes on for several more stores until she finally have something in hand and she seems satisfied with how she look at the item.

"It is okay?" She asked me with a smile on her face while showing me the blue cap she's holding.

"Yeah... It's simple but the color is nice" I said and scanning the other caps that are hanged on the side.

One bucket hat caught my attention but got distracted when she made me face her then let me wore the blue cap she's previously holding. "It looks good on you" she said after fixing it on my head.

"Yeah?... But I think it's better on you" I looked at the mirror first before I removed the cap, handing it back to her. "Wear it then if you like it, let's pay so we can walk around more" I said and fixed my hair.

"No, it looks good on you. Come on, let's buy it" she tried to pull my hand but I looked at full of confusion. We've been walking around for a long time now and the first thing we found is not for her.

"I'm fine, don't you like it?" I asked and took the cap to put it on her. "You look great with it though.." I stared at her and maybe for too long and didn't noticed she's looking back at me.

"Let me buy it for you then we can look around for what I can buy for mine" she took it off and pulled me by the hand on the way to the cashier.

While she's paying, I jog back to the cap section and took the bucket hat that I was eyeing earlier. Then I made her face me and put it on her. "It's pretty.. you look beautiful with it" I said and again, there's this silence like it's just the two of us here... Like no cashier woman was coughing to get our attention.

"Will you add that item ma'am?"I heard and when I looked at her to answer, she's eyeing us both with those teasing smirk on her face.

"Yes" she took it off so I placed it on the counter and payed. "Let me buy it for you since you'll buy me one" I said as I smiled at her.

Why Can't It Be The Two Of Us ( Ryeji )Where stories live. Discover now