VIII: Yes, You Do Have.

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Here we are now riding a bus, heading home. I'm just watching outside the window and haven't glance at her even once. Maybe because I came to a conclusion that's new to me and didn't expected it to be her.

I quickly moved away when I saw her eyes opening when we're at the library and grabbed my bag to leave, but I waited for her outside then we walked until riding a bus.

"Hey you haven't talked since I woke up.. are you mad that I fell asleep?" I felt her poke my shoulder but I remained staring at the window, not watching the streets we take but... Her reflection.

I heard what she asked but.. my mind is still clouded with what I just realized to myself.

My intention was just to be friends. No one will have a crush or something on who but... I can't resist her.

Then here it is again... Just by thinking of what I really feel for her, my heart started to beat faster. Her, this close to me doesn't help at all, our shoulders are even touching and I didn't noticed I started to bite my nails while looking elsewhere but her.

"Hey don't do that... It's dirt-" she tried to stop me from biting my nails and ofcourse... I panicked.

I quickly standup and went to press the stop button, then I ran as fast as I could away from her. Ignoring the calls and leaving her behind.

When I got a little bit further, I stopped and held my knees to catch up my breath. 'Why am I running?'.

Then I heard another call from her, she followed me until here?

I didn't looked back and instead, I placed my palm on my chest, feeling my heart beat faster everytime she'll call my name.

"No, I run that's why" I mumbled to myself and turned to look at her, running towards me.

'Oh God'.

"Why did you left? You didn't have to run if you're mad" she complained and rest her hands on her waist, panting. "Now we have to wal--".

I extended my hand and covered her mouth. She's speaking more now and even her voice.... Does make me feel things.

She just stared at me weirdly and didn't removed my hand.

"Eat with us on lunch tomorrow. Ah, no... Everyday" I said and removed my hand, walking ahead and leaving her without knowing her reaction.

Until we got into our own house, not even glancing at her when we stopped for a bit in front of hers.

After I wash up, I plopped myself on my bed and placed my hand on my chest, feeling it again.

'Maybe it'll be just a crush, we're just friends and nothing more. We can be best friends and I don't even know if she's into girls... Oh no no no, I don't care about her preference, we're just friends..' I shaked off the thoughts and looked at my hand that I used to cover her mouth earlier.

'....we're girl friends'.

I didn't noticed I was grinning the whole time I was staring at my hand until something clicked in me and turned on my side, forcing myself to sleep but ofcourse... Failing to stop a smile as I drift on a deep slumber.
The next day, I tried to convince myself that it'll be just an ordinary day. Waking up early, cooking some breakfast... For us, then heading to her house.

I sighed and composed myself before properly knocking on her door, not throwing anything. And I noticed that when I arrived, the lights upstairs were already turned on, I figured out why when she opened the door. I'm not faced with someone like before.

Why Can't It Be The Two Of Us ( Ryeji )Where stories live. Discover now