V: Want To Be Friends(?)

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Days passed by so quickly and now we need to face the exam week which will determine our rankings.

For me, I don't mind being in any place. It's just that, in any place I get, I think it's what I deserve.

Not that I'm saying I placed mostly at first, or sometimes second. When Soobin replaces me, but it happens just twice and it's when I get so busy in preparation for a competition.

We've done our group and individual studies and it doesn't give me that stress or just... I don't let it get in my way of having fun.

As my usual routine, before the class starts, I captured some photos from the rooftop then read my book until I heard the bell rang.

Then when I entered our room, she's already there and seems to nervous to take the exam as both of her hands fiddles on the page of the book she's currently reading.

Since the day she thanked me... It keeps on repeating in my head and somehow in someway... It always makes my day better.

But ofcourse we still keep our distance from each other. I'm Shin Ryujin. Ofcourse I won't be the one chasing to one person that's just looks too cute and pretty in any angle. Ofcourse I won't be swayed by her outstanding features and adorable behavior towards her lovely snacks. And those specs that perfectly sits on her tall nose while her lips mumbles the things she's reading. Ofcourse I won't let my self be affected with that. I'm Shin---

Then I automatically smiled at her when she looked at me as I sit beside her. Raising my fist up "good luck" I said and tilt my head sideways, cursing at how awkward I can be.

I didn't really read more of what we'll take for today because there are times that when I felt like I reviewed too much, things got messed up and I rambled the infos in my head. So while I wait for our teacher, I prop my elbow on the table as I rest my temple on my palm, watching her do her thing.

Then there's my friends who are just playing with their phones.

Until the teacher came holding our test papers...

I sighed before tapping the shoulder of this trembling brunette beside me. "You can do it" I whispered before taking the distributed paper.

Time passed by and I'm on the last page, it's also almost lunch and peeking beside me, she's scratching her pen on her head harshly. Looking at her paper, she's still on the middle part and it's the thing she's reading right before we take the exam.

'It's the easiest part for me tho'.

I was a bit lost in my thoughts when Chaeryeong stand up and passed her paper, followed by soobin and when I glanced at them, they look so proud being the first to finish. 'let's just see the results'.

I smirked and continued answering that not less than five minutes, I finished and passed my papers. Leaving her with those expression. Knitting her eyebrows and biting her pen.

For the students who have finished earlier should stay outside, so here we are already heading to the cafeteria. It's just ten minutes before the bell rang for lunch so we're allowed to head there earlier.

After eating our lunch, we decided to not stay there any longer and go back in our room so we can prepare for the last exam for today.

As we walk back, I looked outside the window and didn't saw her sitting on the bench behind the tree. 'Maybe she's having her lunch'.

But reaching our door, she's there and reading again.

"Have you eaten?" I asked, sitting beside her, looking so problematic that she's currently clenching a fist on her hair while focused on reading.

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