Chapter 11 - Unveiled

Start from the beginning

"Ai-chan wants to pick new dresses for Yuki-chan, Tsuki-chan, and Clarissa-san!" Ai said eagerly, vouching on her toes. "PLEASE?!"

"You girls go," Akira said with a smile. "I'll go over to the sport shop. Fujiwara, do you play cricket?"

"I used to, but I can't remember the last time I played..."

"Dude, I'm totally gonna get you back into cricket!" Akira punched Riku on the shoulder lightly. "It's awesome! You can join my team!"

Meanwhile, I was so excited to see all the different varieties of dresses. Plastic nodels wore all styles and colours, some sparkling, others frilled. Every girl's dream,

Ai began to browse. It didn't take her very long. "Ai-chan wants Clarissa-san to try this! Ai-chan is positive Clarissa-san will look very cute!"

In Ai's hands was a knee-length number which looked like a prom dress. A red and sparkled sequin top, and a white and frilled skirt with thin netting to add a puffed effect. The two pieces were connected with a belt with a large bow at the front.

"Really?" Clarisaa raised her eyebrows, but grinned as she took the dress and headed to the changing rooms.

"Now for Tsuki-chan... Aha!" Ai pulled a dress out from the rack.

It made my heart stop. It was truly beautiful. The sleeveless dress was dark blue and smooth, a large diamond shape cut out of the back, the zip on the left side.

The dress looked gorgeous... But it wouldn't look right on me. My self consciousness immediately made me think of all my marks and faded scars.

"Thank you, Ai-chan," I said. "But I don't think that would suit me."

Ai looked disappointed. "But Ai-chan picked this especially for Tsuki-chan. Ai-chan believes Tsuki-chan will look cute!"

I hesitantly took the dress. "It's just that this dress is a bit short, don't you think? A bit grownup."

"That's why Ai-chan picked it," Ai nodded eagerly. "Tsuki-chan has a stunning body which needs to be shown off!"

I felt my cheeks blushing red. "We're in our final year of middle school, we don't need to show ANYTHING off yet!"

"Just try it on," Yuki whispered in my ear, "for Ai-chan's sake. Just take a picture to show her."

I followed the signs to the dressing rooms, and a kind woman showed me to an empty cubicle. I hung the dress up before standing in front of the mirror.

I took off my jacket before hesitantly removing my shirt as well. I inspected myself in the mirror, and discovered that my shoulders didn't look as bad as I remembered. That was the joys of keeping them covered and refusing to look at them; my mind assumed the worst about their appearance, so I was always pleasantly surprised. I could feel the cold air on my back, but if knew if I only took a picture of the front then those scars wouldn't be visible.

I slipped on the dress over my trousers, but my fingers kept fumbling over the tiny zip.

"Tsuki-san?" Clarissa's voice came from the other side of the curtain.

I peeked my head around. She looked absolutely stunning in the dress. My heart fluttered a little bit.

"You look so pretty," I complimented her.

Her cheeks flushed a little. "Thanks. I'm sure you'll look much prettier, though."

I grinned. "Once I get the zip up so the dress doesn't keep falling, I'll be great."

Clarissa slipped into my changing room. I kept my back to one mirror as she looked her herself in the other.

"Is it too girly?" She questioned.

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