part one

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"Three tickets for the titanic up for takes! If you win, that is"

The darker, tall girl chuckles. "What game then, champ?" She smiles at the big man.

He grins, then places the tickets down on the table, "poker, of course. Don't see what other game I'd want to play"

The dealer man sits up, and hands each of them their cards. After a few minutes of the game go by, Lucia looks at a few of the cards in her hand, she smiles, "shall we end this already? We've been playing for a while, and I am sure the ship is going to said soon"

They each throw down their cards, the dealer looks down and Lucia smiles. Grabs the tickets and nods at the man. "Swell game sir, see you when the sail is over, yeah?"

Starting to run to the door to get her two siblings she can hear the man throwing stuff around. Yelling that he had lost, Lucia grabs her two siblings from where they were sat, they were outside the door of the building as they always did,

"Guess who got us some titanic tickets? We're going to live like kings, aren't we?"

Luz jumps up and down for a moment, before gasping, "they just said they were going in a few minutes! We need to get going!"

Lucia picks up the small girl and throws her over her shoulder, then grabbing her brother, Luca's hand. She starts to run off to the ship, pushing people out of the way and hitting her arm against a few things. She sees the ticket man start to walk in, she yells. "WAIT"

He turns and puts an eyebrow up, then Lucia throws the tickets into his hand. She and Luca pant. The man looks at the tickets, nods and moves over to allow them to board onto the ship. Lucia walks in, still pulling on her brother's hand. They run to the top where Lucia sets Luz down and they then begin to wave off the people who were not on the ship, as it sets sail.

Lucia grabs Luz's hands and does a few jumps with the girl, "oooh this is amazing! We're on the most amazing ship in history"


Luz jumps up a bit and hugs Lucia and her brother, happily,

Lucia then looks over, at the top of the ship. She smiles and runs to it, then grabbing Luz and placing them in front of her. Luca stood behind and they all looked out into the sea as the boat sailed away from the land. Staring out there Lucia yells,

"I'm the queen of the world!"They each laugh and happily look at one another.

While some may be all happy, some are not as excited for this ship.

Everyone is sitting for tea time talking up Amelia and Rebecca's marriage, as they'd do at home. Amelia stares at the woman she's supposed to be marrying, the three eyed bitch just sat there staring back at Amelia with a slight grin on her face. Amelia listens to everyone talk about Rebecca and how well she'd fit Amelia, she just pretends to enjoy the conversation and Rebecca's company. She picks up her cigarette and begins to light it. For some stress relief

Odalia looks over, "Not now, Amelia"

Alador then also looks over, "not at tea time. You know the rules" he turns to Rebecca and her parents, "she can be a handful at times but it's okay. You'll get through it"

The green haired witch puts out her cigarette and sighs listening to Rebecca's horrid laugh, looking off to other areas. She then thinks to herself, -everyone here now... is everyone that'll be in my life- she huffs a bit before standing up, "i'll be back"

She then walks off onto the deck to look at the water, where Lucia sees the most beautiful girl she's ever seen before. It was as if she was in a trance looking up at her, Luca looks over at Amelia then at Lucia,

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