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*Jens pov*

I wake up the next morning to my phone ringing beside me. I slowly open my eyes and realize I fell asleep on the couch. I grab my phone and see that it's my mom calling.

"Hello?" I say sleepily. "Hi baby! Are you all packed and ready for tomorrow?" She asks. I glance over at the suitcase in my room with a pile of clothes sitting inside it, all unfolded and messy.

"Yeah." I sorta lie and sit up. "What time is your flight?" She asks. "Six." I tell her. "Are you just waking up?" She asks. "Yeah." I yawn.

"Oh alright, well I can't wait to see you tomorrow!" She says. I giggle and shake my head. "Yeah, I'll let you know when I land." I tell her.

We say our goodbyes then we hang up. I sigh while looking at my suitcase, giving myself a moment to fully wake up.

I stand up and walk in my room before folding all the clothes and placing them neatly. Luckily I did finish packing yesterday, I just didn't do a very good job.

Once I fix it I go brush my teeth and get dressed. Since I'm leaving tomorrow, I definitely don't want to stay inside all day. So I leave my apartment and ride the bus downtown. Once I arrive at the right street, I get off and find my favorite clothing store.

I walk in and immediately I hear "Jennifer!". I turn and see Charles sitting at the register. "Hiii." I smile big and walk over to give him a big hug. "Why haven't you been around lately??" He asks once we pull away. "Just been busy." I shrug.

Even though the only friends I really had were Giselle's friends, Charles has been with me since I first got here. He made me feel so welcome, and a lot less scared.

"Well I miss you cherì." He pours and I smile. "I'm leaving for the states tomorrow." I tell him and his eyes widen. "What?!? You're leaving??" He asks in shock. "No!" I laugh. "Not for good. I'm just visiting my mom." I tell him and he takes a breath of relief.

"Oh dieu merci.." He says and puts his hand on his heart. "You scared me for a second." He smiles. "But follow me. I'll give you something for your trip." He smiles and I do as he says.

I follow him to the back and he pulls out a white mini dress with cute little flowers on it.

I pout my lip and look at him

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I pout my lip and look at him. "I don't deserve you." I say since he always insists on giving me free clothes.

"I made it for you." He smiles. "Really??" I ask and take the dress from his hands. He nods as he watches me admire it. "Thankyou so much Charles." I say and give him a hug.

"J'aime beaucoup ça." I tell him that I love it and he smiles. "I knew you would." He says.

I hang out for a bit more, but eventually a few customers start to come in, so I decide to go ahead and leave. I give Charles a hug goodbye then start walking down the sidewalk.

I stop by a cafe and grab breakfast before sitting on a park bench. I watch the people go by as I eat, then I start thinking about my flight tomorrow.

I get my phone out and make sure that I have my ticket and my seat number. I always make sure Im prepared for a flight because airports can be hectic and it's best to have everything ready.

I look up from my phone and watch a couple go by. Two girls, one with black hair and one with brown, holding hands. I tilt my head and watch their body language. Obviously my mind drifts to Giselle, and that's my queue to leave.

I shake my head and start waking back to my apartment. I catch a bus and arrive home. I walk in the double doors and I hear 'Bonjour'.

I look up at the same man sitting at the front desk. "Bonjour." I reply with a smile. "Comment allez-vous?" He asks how I am and I stop walking up the stairs since he's obviously continuing the conversation.

"Oh- bien, et vous? I ask him back. "Bien!" He replies enthusiastically. He may not talk to to many people.

I smile and nod. "Je suis désolé, je suis de Bordeaux, je ne connais pas beaucoup de gens ici." He says he's from a different city and that he doesn't know many people, which is exactly what I figured.

"Ahhh, Je comprends, je viens d'Amérique, donc.." I tell him that I understand since I moved here from America. "You're an American?" He asks surprised.

"I am." I nod with a smile. They always start talking in english once they find out I'm from the states, I don't mind though.

"What's it like there??" He asks. "Um-..Well I like it better here." I shrug and he laughs. "I'm Jennifer." I say and walk back to the desk, holding out my hand. "Alex. Nice to meet you Jennifer." He smiles and shakes my hand.

"Well I'm actually going back to America tomorrow so I should go get my stuff together." I tell him. "Ahh, ok! Well have a good trip. I'll be here when you get back." He smiles. "Alright, I'll see ya." I smile back and walk up to my apartment.

I put my suitcase and backpack beside my front door so I can just get dressed and go tomorrow morning.

For the rest of the day I kind of just lay around and get some stuff done on my laptop. I'm trying to find somewhere to be a psychologist, I've posted multiple times on Linkdeln, but it seems that there's not many openings in France.

I decide to clean my apartment so I can come home to a clean place, then I pass out in my bed around seven with an alarm set for three am.

The Mom Next Door; The Sequel Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu