We get back into the apartment and she puts me down and I stop purring. She takes off the harness and leash and hangs them on the wall.

She leaves me alone and opens that big box she got. I watch her sit on the floor and open the box. She reads the instructions and starts putting together whatever she bought.

I moved around the space a bit just sitting on counters or the couch but ever since she opened the box she has not moved from that one spot and it's been almost 4 hours.

Finally, she gets up to go to the bathroom and I see that she's done. It's like a tv stand but has a bed inside for me. I jump inside it to get a better look at it. It has a white blanket in it that smells like my mate. She must've wrapped herself in this blanket so many times.

I hear the toilet flush and she comes out of the bathroom. When she sees me in the tv box, she rushes over squealing.

"Awww, oh my God. You look so cute!!" She pets my head and everything goes out the window and I lay down on my back.

She moves my box to the wall where I can see the whole living room and most of the kitchen.

She goes back to the bag on the couch and pulls out the food bowls. One she fills with water and the other she fills with that prescription food which, again, I will not be eating.

She takes me out of my box (right when I just got comfortable) and puts me in front of the food. I just stare at the food as she watches me. I drink some of the water but that's it.

I guess she finally figured out that I won't eat the food so she goes to the refrigerator and takes out a leftover piece of fish. She holds it out for me and I take bites as big as I can out of it. It tasted so good. If my mate made this she truly was a dream come true.

It's been a while since I've eaten physical food. When I was hungry I reached a point where actual food was mocking me. How I was so "powerful" that physical food did nothing to cure my hunger. Looking at something that I didn't need. It was torture. I wish that I didn't have to trick and steal to survive. Even now. The only reason I why found my mate was because I saw her as someone to feed from. I was out so late at night because was desperate and I had no choice.

Here I was given a perfect mate and I'm sitting here as an animal to feed off her without her permission. How is that okay? She deserved better than me. A lowly incubus whose only purpose was to feed and care for themselves. How can I show her that this is what I am? What I have no choice but to be.

She's right here in front of me taking care of what she thinks to be a harmless stray cat. What will she say when she finds out what I am and who I am to her? She's not going to want a mate who has been lying to her and feeding from her. She'll reject me.

"Ok, kitty. It's time to give you a name."

A name? No one has ever given me a name. I've always been called by my family name Choi. Even my mother was too afraid to give me a name because if my father thought I was too independent he would think I would try to challenge him.

"Let's see. Well, we can't give you a basic name like midnight or storm because it's over and done with. So I was thinking something off the walls. That no one has thought of before."

She stands up and leans on the bar thinking. Her shorts stretch a bit at the motion.

"Oh, I got it." She snaps her fingers. "Alteno. It's close to an actual name but it's not close enough that anyone has thought of it enough."

Alteno. She was right it was new or at least new to me. I liked it though or I liked it because she chose it either way I was happy to have a new name. One not connected to my father.

My mate picked up the smaller bag from a chair. How did I forget that it was there?

Nevertheless, she takes out something blue. When it's completely out of the bag then I catch a glimpse of what it is.

 When it's completely out of the bag then I catch a glimpse of what it is

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(minus the bow)

It was a collar!!

I can't let her collar me. I can't have a master yet.

Incubi and succubi if they choose can let someone collar them but that person will become their main food source other than a mate. The sex demon will be bound to their master and vice versa. I wouldn't be able to not be around my master for long periods of time. It's an eternal decision and she doesn't even know it.

She looks at me and I bolt. I run all around the house with her right at my heels. She was so fast for no reason. I find a spot under the bed where she can't get to me.

"Come on, Alteno. You can't stay under there forever."

I hissed at her and she rolled her eyes.

"I don't know why I talk to you. You can't talk back." She chuckled and went back into the living room.

I can't let her collar me...


I mean she is my mate...

And so far she's taken good care of me and she feeds me well.

And having her as my master won't be that bad since she thinks I'm a cat.

She only has pure intentions for me.

Maybe this will be a good thing.

At least this way, I can guarantee that she won't leave me. Won't give up on me. Not like-

It doesn't matter now. My mate is my future and maybe she can help me heal my past.

I slowly make my way into the living room where my mate is. She's sitting on the floor in front of the couch with her leg up and her arm resting on it.

On her tv, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is playing and she's singing along with the theme song.

I sit next to her thigh and put my tail on her to get her attention. She looks down at me and crosses her legs and puts me on her lap. She pets my head for a little bit.

She reaches over and picks the collar up from the couch, the bell ringing whenever she moves it.

She slowly puts the collar around my neck giving me all the time to run. When the buckle snaps on my neck, I feel the weight on my neck. It isn't heavy. It's light. Reminding me of her touch. It's comforting.

The collar hangs proudly on my neck. Reminding me who I'll always belong to.

Wait til Nicky hears about this.

The Stray Cat That Came With A FriendWhere stories live. Discover now