I Know Your Face

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Chapter Fourteen -
Tuesday, 8th August 1911

The next morning Walter walked to Florence's room with a tray of toast and eggs, he stopped at her door however upon hearing the scratch and crackle of music, playing quite loudly throughout the halls.

It was a song he had learnt to be her favourite and he had grown to love hearing her hum and dance to it as she got ready for the day.

He looked through the crack in her door, Florence twirling in her white nightdress humming to the words 'let me call you sweetheart'. At first Walter thought it to be a sickly melody, but as he grew fond of the girl before him, his love for the song also seemed to bloom.
Walter took Florence to the train station that morning in his wonderfully beautiful day car, the pair walking arm in arm onto the platform, catching the eyes of Olive and Ron-Henry who waved, calling the pair over to where they stood next to the first class carriage.

"I hope you don't miss me too much," Florence teased as they got closer, Walter playfully rolling his eyes at her, "Well luckily I'll be rather occupied over these next few days so my mind won't have time," he responded, holding her hand tightly in his, Jackson not too far behind with Florence's suitcase.

"You never told me you had plans, what are you up to?" Florence quizzed, raising an eyebrow at her husband's mischievous smile.

"That's for me to know and for you to blissfully ignore..." his words concerning her further, "it's just paperwork, boring accounts that must be settled by the end of the week is all, now go have fun in London and I'll be back here to pick you up on Saturday morning" Walter mused, placing a kiss on his wife's cheek, watching as she gave a quick hello to her brother and stepped up into the train with her sister.

Ron-Henry looked back at Walter once he'd shut the door to the girls compartment, walking up to the man with a hostile aura to him.

"I suggest you smile and wave as the train leaves while I talk," Ron sneered, turning back to the train with a smile, talking through his teeth as he stood next to his brother in law.

"You know, when I first saw you saunter into our house on Florence's birthday I knew I'd seen your face somewhere before, however I was never able to place it..." The train was now departing the station, the two men still smiling and waving.

"But I believe I've finally placed you, Jack..." at the words Walter spun his head, the train now out of view, their charades now dropping, both men puffing their chests in an attempt to seem more intimidating than the other.

"I don't know what you think you know about me Mr Darrington but I'd tread very carefully if I were you..."

Walter started to walk away, not wishing to entertain Ron-Henrys 'delusions' any longer.

"I don't have proof yet... but when I do, she'll be the first to know, you may have her fooled but once the ripper always the ripper I suppose-" Ron-Henry taunted but was quickly cut off as Walter came closer, a deadly look in his eye.

"Watch yourself Darrington, If I'm the monster you so claim me to be, It would be unwise to threaten me don't you think?" Walter growled, getting right up into Ron's face.

"I'm not scared of you!" Ron laughed, shoving a few newspaper clippings to Walters chest, the crimes of which were being reported matching the style of their little writer Florence.

"You should be..."

Walter quickly composed himself, straightening out his jacket, placing a smile on his face. He knew this would end, he just needed to look to Florence's writing for how it should.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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