Victor Reed

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Chapter Eleven -
Saturday, 5th August 1911

Before the guests arrived Florence had indeed given Walter a new piece of writing, he was blown away by the detail in this one, she wasn't kidding when she said she had channelled her grief.

The guests were enjoying the small talk and music. Walter had told Florence how he had invited a few other writers and scholars to the dinner just for her. She was ecstatic. That was until she saw Mr Reed.

Mr Victor Reed was the most pretentious arsehole of all arseholes. If you took the most disagreeable prick you knew and mixed him with a loud mouth, high strung, toupe wearing duck, you wouldn't even be scratching the surface on how insufferable he was.

"Miss Darrington- Oh wait, you're Mrs Everton now aren't you?" Reed sneered, trying his best to be polite.

"That I am Mr Reed, now tell me how has your writer's block been treating you... how long has it been now since your last piece?" Florence wondered, sarcasm lacing her voice. "Ah yes, three months wasn't it?"

"And what of you, I hardly doubt your writings taking you anywhere recently, parents being dead and all. Not only do you lack the correct sex but your attitude towards your superiors is astounding," Reed could jab all he wanted but Florence knew her writing held more merit than his ever could.

"I don't need to justify myself to you Mr Reed but if I wanted to I could tell you how a manuscript of mine has just been accepted by the largest publisher in London- In Fact they are already talking of worldwide distribution... perhaps you've heard of it, 'The Living Link', they are predicting it to be a bestseller!" Florence boasted, the shrivelled and tight lipped look of anguish on Victor's face being the real bestseller.

If only she could capture it in a portrait she would; she would hang it above the dining room fireplace so all guests could see her achievement.

"But- but that book is written by a foreigner by the name of Clefreno..." Victor thought for a few moments, his mind trying rigorously to figure out this puzzle. "Clefreno..." He said again slowly.

"Go on Mr Reed, you write mysteries and riddles..." Florence teased.

"Florence!" He was shocked, "How did yo- you write the gory columns for the paper as well?"

"See Mr Reed, It's better to win in silence than to lose out loud... maybe you should take a leaf out of your own book and improve your attitude towards your superiors" Florence hissed, turning away from the man whose mouth was hung open in shock, like a fish out of water, gasping for air.

A few people around snickered at his defeat, so much so you could practically see steam billowing from his ears; but Victor wasn't going to let this slide, oh no... he would get his revenge, even if in the long run it would backfire... unbeknownst to him.

Victor noticed the ink stain on the wrist of Florence's dress, he knew now that her writing station was in the house, most likely a typewriter by the size of the smudge, it came from an ink ribbon.

"We'll see who's superior Everton... just you wait!" He muttered to himself, not caring just how dishevelled he looked.

"What was that about?" Walter questioned, his wife walking up to him, leaving the fuming Victor to storm out the front doors of the large manor.

"Just asserting dominance over a weaker opponent is all." Florence smirked, messing with the ring on her finger.

"And did you?" Walter pressed, an amused smile on his face, had he known what Reed was like he never would have invited him... Only watching his partner thoroughly embarrass the prick was somewhat satisfying.

"Is that even a question?" She laughed, stifling a yawn, attempting to keep it hidden.

"Are you tired?" Walter prodded, "A little but I'm fine really," she protested. "Oh ok... or is it that I'm boring you?" Walter joked, causing Florence to let out a small amount of laughter.

"Oh yes, extremely boring Mr Everton I might just have to die right here where I stand if you continue!" She laughed even more. "Besides I have to lock up my study for the night and tidy up a few papers I left out-"

"Well I can do that for you, you should go and sleep if that is what you wish to do," Walter insisted.

"Thank you Walter" She smiled, unhooking the thin golden chain from around her neck, placing the key to her desk in his hand. "The library key is in the left hand drawer," She added.

"I'll make sure everything is in order, now go, you look like you might pass out from exhaustion!"

"Goodnight Mr Everton," Florence nodded, "Goodnight Mrs Everton," He smiled in return.
That night as the guests were leaving, Walter made his way down the hall toward Florence's library, entrusting that Jackson would see each guest off safely, only when he got to the library doors he heard shuffling inside.

"What do you think you're doing?" Walter announced, startling the man who faced one of the many bookshelves, who upon turning was revealed to be Victor Reed.

"This is quite the house Mr Everton, it's a wonder how you don't get lost as I have," Reed smiled, feigning his innocence.

"Lost?" Walter quizzed, "The only thing that you will be losing is teeth if you don't get out of my house in the next five minutes," Walter returned calmly, the same shit eating grin upon his face as he mimicked the pretentious man.

"Only five... well a great deal can happen in five minutes,"

"If you value your life, you will get out of my house..." Walter threatened, moving closer to the man who still hadn't moved.

Victor huffed, taking the hint as he began to walk toward the door only to be stopped by Walter's vice-like grip, tightening like a viper on his upper arm.

"And I'd take care in how you speak to my wife... because if I ever hear you talking to her like that again- in fact if I ever see you talking to her full stop... I will knock the ever living daylights out of you!" Walter hissed, "Do you understand?"

"Such a good husband... and here I was thinking it was just an act," Victor smirked, watching as Walters face was unmoving, the only tell of annoyance was the twitch in his eye.

"Curious how I know that isn't it?" he added, Walters grip tightening, "I do believe you are mistaken." Walter calmly defused, releasing his grip on his prey, Victor now walking to the library door.

"I have eyes and ears everywhere Mr Everton... I know everything," Reed stated proudly, turning on his heel to leave, the clicking of his tailored brogues growing quieter the further he slipped out of reach.

"Not everything..."

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