Hidden Traitors & Trickery

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Chapter Twelve -
Sunday, 6th August 1911

"Someone in this house hasn't been being honest... as your employer I require loyalty to the highest of standards which means anything you see in this house" Walter commanded, walking up and down the row of his staff, "Anything you hear in this house," he boomed, "Anything you smell, taste or touch in this house, stays in this house!"

The servants seemed on edge, they had seen Walter's tempers before but now he seemed furious, this wasn't just a chipped vase or broken window... this was a leak of information... information only meant for his and Florence's ears.

In the line up we had Jackson the butler, Evans and Green the Footmen, Ms Hickling the housekeeper and Betsy the housemaid; plus Elsbeth and Turner who had come with Florence to the Everton estate.

"Someone here has been spreading rumours about Mrs Everton and I's relationship... now when I find out who, I will make sure the culprit is punished thoroughly, not to mention fired without reference..." Florence had to admit Walter could be scary when he needed to be, she found herself staring down from the landing balustrade, her breathing coming to a halt every once in a while as she watched her husband eye each servant with such observation, his hawk-like instincts trying to find the rat.

"Dismissed!" He shouted, the servants scattering quickly which in turn was Florence's cue to walk out from the shadows, walking down the stairs to where her husband still paced.

"Everything alright?" she asked, pretending to have not seen his little performance moments ago. "It's Green!" Walter spat, "What's Green?" She played along.

"He has been feeding information about you- about us to Victor Reed!" Walter huffed.

"What kind of information?" Florence quizzed, ears now pricked with the mention of Victor.

"Nothing you need worry about... I will sort it," Walter deflected placing a reassuring hand on her cheek and Florence didn't dare pry, he was still in the red mist, a place far too dangerous to enter unprotected.

"I will leave you be then" Florence stated, heading towards her library, "Oh Turner!" She called as she entered the hall nearing her room.

"Yes My Lady?" He returned, a smile on his face, "I need you to deliver a new column to the printers by luncheon, I want this one in Monday's paper," Florence said, moving to her desk, Turner close behind.

"Of course Miss, and what- may I ask- is this one about?" Turner asked excitedly. "Ah, well that would ruin the surprise wouldn't it?" Florence teased, unlocking the secret hatch and choosing the text of choice, sealing it in a labelled envelope.

"Go now and don't delay, there's an extra penny in it for you if you do!" Florence smiled, handing him the envelope as well as picking a stray penny from her coin dish.

"Of course Mrs Everton" Turner beamed, walking with determination to his destination.
About five minutes from the printers Turner was stopped by a familiar face, a certain rival of the Evertons... Reed.

"Ah, Turner isn't it?" He smirked, closing in on the man.
"What's it to you sir?" Turner responded, knowing the reputation of the writer before him.

"Well I couldn't help but notice that envelope... it's one of 'Clefreno's' I assume... to be delivered to the printer just down the way?" Victor pried but as expected, Turner was tight lipped and didn't say a word in response.

"If you would like I could deliver it for you?" Reed- who now stood far too close to the lad- quickly plucked the envelope from his hands, spinning away so he now stood behind him.

"Have you read your mistress' writing?" Reed continued, moving the envelope each time Turner tried to grab it back, "No, it's confidential-" He finally snatched back the envelope, "Can't have it falling into the wrong hands! Now good day sir!" Turner spat, turning on his heel, continuing his walk to the printers; not realising that in the spin Harlan had switched the envelopes...

Turner was now delivering another Clefreno piece, only this one had been stolen the night previous and now held Harlan's name... Harlan now had two stolen pieces; the one in his hand and the one on its way to the printers.

"Who's superior now Everton?"
Back at the house, a post boy had been delivering the daily paper along with any post to the servants downstairs.

Florence was in her library when Elsbeth came in with a letter for her, "Just came with the post my lady" She smiled, handing Florence the letter over the top edge of her desk.

"Thank you Elsbeth, and would you be a dear and ask for some tea to be brought to me, I am frightfully parched" Florence requested.

"Of course my lady," with that Elsbeth scurried off and Florence picked up her letter opener, slicing it across the sealed edge of the envelope.

'Dear Miss Darrington,

I am delighted to inform you that the pocket watch you requested back in May has finally been completed. It has been stored safely at the shop in London and will need to be collected at the earliest convenience.

It will be lovely to see you again,
Kindest Regards
S.R Levington'

Florence smiled in excitement, she had been waiting for a long time for this to be ready; it was a gift for Walter to say thank you for all the things he had done for her. Her way of appreciation.
On the other side of town however, back at the Darrington estate Ron-Henry, Charlotte and Olive had sat down for their lunch, not knowing how within the next 96 hours two of them would be dead.

"Florence phoned earlier Olive, she wants you to go to London with her on Tuesday, something about a sister's week away," Ron-Henry announced, cutting into his roast lamb.

"Well that sounds exciting, why wasn't I invited?" Charlotte joked, "Because you're not her sister" Olive responded, holding the same tone even though deep down she had never liked her sister in law.

"Well I think it will do you both some good, this family has been through enough these past few months so a week away will be refreshing for you!" Ron-Henry commanded, not liking Olive's passive aggressive words towards his wife.

"I wonder why Walter won't be joining us?" Olive added, "I don't much care for Walter... he seems too good to be true... what kind of man sweeps a woman off her feet then goes about marrying her within a month, it just seems off to me" Ron-Henry blurted.

"Well maybe they had been seeing each other before then?" Charlotte pondered.

"No, her birthday was definitely their first meeting, you could tell..."

"Well if that is the case brother then why would you allow her to marry such an 'off' man?" Olive challenged.

"He muscled his way in when our family was weak... and in saying all this I can't help but feel like I've seen his face somewhere before..." Ron-Henry was stressed, he couldn't help but feel the nag in the back of his mind screaming at him about Walter, but at the moment that was all it was... just a scream, there were no words attached, no warnings or reasoning behind the nag... It was just a scream.

"I'm sure it will come to me" but in reality the thought had already crossed his mind as to where he had seen Walters face, all he needed was proof, he wasn't a hundred percent sure, but the screaming nag was suddenly becoming clearer with each passing second.

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