An Unexpected Proposal

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Chapter One -
Monday, April 10th 1911

When someone says the word party you would usually associate it with fun; only parties at the Darrington household were the antonym.

Florence, her sister Olive and their brother Ron-Henry appeared as they usually would to a party in the season. Dressed in their Sunday best with all the bells and whistles, each personally styled as if on display to buy; their parents never allowing anything less.

This party was different from their regularly scheduled unexpected expected weekly soirees however. This party was to celebrate Florence on her twentieth lap around the sun, her birthday, and as much as she would love to just stay hidden in the shadows, writing her gory stories, tonight she was the bell of the parade as her parents longed for her to marry; and marry rich.

She wished for no such things.

It was 4pm now and Florence could see from the drawing room window that guests had started to arrive which in turn made her huff in discontent, if it wasn't enough to be paraded like a pony each week for suitors tonight her parents would be ten times more aggressive with their 'match-making skills'.

She stood from the window seat, cracking her knuckles due to pure stress as she walked to her brother and sister.

"I don't see the need for all this spectacle, if you ask me marriage is just a waste of time and a hindrance to a woman's career, if I ever were to marry I would marry someone older!" Florence stressed, rubbing the bottom of her neck, feeling the heat of the world prick at her skin. "Their kinder, wiser... and richer, they either already have children or don't want any and they are the biggest burden of them all," She added with a scoff.

"A hindrance? Sister marriage is the only way you can be secure in this world and it is a woman's duty to provide an heir for their husbands..." Ron-Henry announced, the footman at the door announcing the first few guests behind the three. "If it's any consolation, mother and father have both agreed to let me have the final say, and you know me better than anyone, I won't let you marry any old raggabrash" Ron-Henry consoled playfully.

"Times are changing brother, they're talking of giving women the vote soon, maybe then you won't look upon a womans 'career' with such disdain..." Florence started, ignoring the worried looks upon her brother and sisters faces, "I don't intend to marry, and I never will, no matter how many seasons I'm presented at and however many birthday celebrations are thrown in my honour I won't marry any of the pompous bastards that mother and father parade through that door!" She slammed her fist on the table with purpose causing the jellies and cakes to jolt.

The cautioning faces of her brother and sister had started to irk her so much so she snapped a "What?" at their judgement when a disapproving cough suddenly sounded from behind her; her eyes went wide in realisation.

"Mother" She coyly smiled, turning on her heel to face the woman whose arm linked with their first guest of the evening, her mothers face having a crooked and boiled look set upon it.

"May I introduce Mr Everton," She eloquently spoke, hiding her rage, "Mr Everton may I introduce my daughters Florence and Olive and my son Ron-Henry" She introduced, turning to the man while speaking.

"Tis a please Mr Everton" Florence curtsied, "I assure you the pleasure is all mine." He returned, his voice like molten chocolate, smooth and delectable, each syllable rolling off of his tongue like a euphonic symphony. He couldn't hide the amused smile set upon his face however.

Her mother motioned for her to lead the man away to talk, her brother keeping an eye on the two as they walked away hesitantly towards the window seats where Florence had sat prior to the encounter.

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