Chapter 1: The meeting

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Dr Zomboss leaned forward on his chair, his eyes swiftly darting to every individual in his gloomy and dark meeting room, its only light source being a weak lamp that shone from above. On the sides of the comically long dark meeting table were the all the Zombie heroes currently distracted in the own things, waiting for the meeting to start. 

Super Brainz was admiring himself on his mirror.

The Smash kept looking at the wall opposite to him with a dumb face, while his imp manager was counting the money he made from the Smash's latest match.

Impfinity kept scratching his butt while giggling to himself.

Rustbolt was still checking and admiring all of the attachments in his suit.

Boogalo was humming another one of his songs to himself.

Brain Freeze was joyfully licking a brain ice cone.

Professor Brainstorm was reading another of his science books attached to one of the arms from his mechanical goggles.

Immorticia was continuously swatting the bats that kept biting her hair

Z-mech kept breathing mist onto his Mech's window and doodling an evil face on it.

Neptuna was busy trying to remove some rust on her trident, while her tank pusher was wiping their hands on the octopus ink stains on their clothes

Huge Giganticus was seated on his floating carrier opposite to Zomboss at the other end of the table, looking bored.

Dr Zomboss straightened himself and started speaking in his usual loud voice, "I hope you're prepared to witness what I've called you all in for!"

All the other zombies in the room shifted their attention to him, even the tank pusher zombie.

"All our recent previous losses have made me realise that I have been going about this war all wrong" Zomboss exclaimed "All my plans, as genius and well-thought out they were, were stopped because those blasted plants have gotten used to the schemes we often perform. Perhaps I have myself to blame, after all, I've always been too predictable with my plans. As they all involved simply making stronger versions of robots my plants had already destroyed, or assaulting landmarks with zombies that the plants had already fought before and gotten familiar with.

All the other zombies looked at each other in confusion, each one wondering what new wacky plan their leader had come up with.

"And so" Zomboss continued "I've decided to go all out and create something nobody would be prepared for, not even ourselves!"

He suddenly got up from his chair, whipped out a device that was bit too big for his hand filled with buttons and pressed one of them.

All the other zombies started feeling some sort of rumbling and shaking sensation before a large black hole materialised right in front of them in a blinding light of colour, standing right next to Zomboss, who seemed indifferent about it, unlike the others, who thought they were one second away from being pulled into it.

Surprisingly, the hole just stayed in its position, not attracting anything.

Dr Zomboss beamed with self-pride and began talking again, "I present you all: the Transdimensional portable black hole creator!"

He quickly shot a smug look at Brainstorm, who huffed to himself. Seems like their rivalry between who could create the best inventions had gone into a whole other level.

"As you all know, our Interdimensional zombies merely only have access to dimensions connected to our world and the way it works to the degree of how we understand it. However, I have built upon that technology into a force that can access worlds and dimensions not connected to ours!".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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