I am so so sorry for what I said to you yesterday. It was all just in the heat of the moment and I didn't know what else to say. All that you wanted was for the day to go as planned, but I changed that because I couldn't stand the idea of losing El. But it wasn't because of her. It's because I was scared of what comes with it.'

I allow my pen drop to on my desk and stand up with a sharp inhale, grabbing a handful of hair in each of my fists. I pace around the basement in inexplicable nervousness, violently pulling on the roots.

Am I really going to do this?

I let out a breath I didn't notice I was holding and sit back down, hesitantly picking the pen back up.

'Of course, I'm still scared. Terrified. But if I'm going to have to embrace it at some point, it may as well be now. Let me just restart.


I like you.

There, I said it. I finally said it. I finally said it after weeks of denying it.

I'm not sure how far I'm going with that, but what I do know is that I can't keep ignoring the way my cheeks heat up when you look at me, or the way my heart physically aches when you have to leave. Your eyes aroused me immediately from the second I laid eyes on you, in a way that I can't even describe - it was like a bunch of bullets shot into me all at once. And now more than ever, my heart is aching. I don't want you to leave. There are too many things about you I've gained an attachment to.

Allow me to list them:

- There's something about you that makes me want nothing more than to protect you 24/7.

- Your laugh. I promise you, William Byers, it never fails to light up a room.

- You're so serious about the things that you're passionate about.

- Your lips. I can't help but notice how luscious and soft they look.'

I read over the last point a few times before crossing it out viciously.

Stop it, Mike. That's creepy.

'Anyways, there are a lot more things that I can get into details about another time.

Also- I know how weird or uncomfortable this must be to read considering that we're both boys. I'm fucked up like that.

And I can understand that you don't feel the same way, because of course, you're normal. If that's the case, I promise never to bring it up again. No hard feelings.

But, to be honest, sometimes I fantasise that you do feel the same way. That after all this time, both of us are some closeted gays that just came across each other by chance. I'll never be certain that you're straight (I'm pretty sure you are, though) since we haven't spoken about it, but I like to imagine that you're not and you want to be my boyfriend too.

Well- okay. I guess that's all I have to say for now. Please just don't be mad at me? We can start over.

From Mike'

It finally hits how fast my heart is racing as I trail my eyes over the page of writing. I spin the wheels of my chair around and analyse Will's newest painting that I plastered on the wall yesterday.

You send him this, and all of that is gonna be over. You'll either win or lose.

I remind myself, referring to our friendship. Without thinking, I grab the paper and scrunch it up, tossing it back onto the desk.

I'm so stupid.

To Be Continued...

omg after the last 2-3 chapters this one feels rly short even tho this is my usual length.

Im not gonna be a douche that takes idea w out credit so yes, the letter idea is from the ao3 fanfic 'The Red Envelope' by midnighteverlark <333 seriously read it it's so good.

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