Back to autumn day

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He shut his eyes for seconds, yet what appeared under his eyes lids were more than unexpected. He saw his beloved woman, in her wedding dress. She was more beautiful than ever. Yet her eyes swollen of tears, and an older woman (whom he thought was her mother) would keep on telling her to stop the tears.

And his heart crushed of pain, yet to scream and shout made no uses. He tried, to wrapped her in his arms; yet as seen he was invisible. He couldn't touch her, but only to watch her in despair.

She breathed heavily, swallowed her tears. Yet the stream kept running down her skin endlessly. A middle aged man stood by, as he raised his hand to hit her hard on her cheek. His heart ached, and tears ran on his cheeks, too.

Her mother rushed to, stopped the man (whom believed was her father). Telling him something, which made him stopped, but only to be frustrated as he left the room.

She grieved, as she fell to the ground. It was her wedding day, should she supposed to be happy? Should it supposed to be the happiest day of a woman's life? His heart twisted of pain. Ached so hard it grieved his soul.


To woke up again, he would walk on the same old street. On an autumn day. Shaking his umbrella for the water to dries out.

It was just another day, he walked through the street, with a broad smile wore on his cheeks. It was just another day, for him to stunned infront of the beauty of the girl worked in the coffee shop.

The young girl with brown fringe and wavy hair. Her skin white and her lips always bright pink with a smile. Her lashes beautifully emphasised her eyes of soul.

She walked through the door, and just to look at her, the surroundings seemed like they were shut in silence. And time stopped, just for 60 seconds she stood, engulfing the morning breeze.

As she came back inside, he walked through the door as well without hesistation. Sitting on the guest's table, he watched her gently with his watchful eyes. Looking at her elegance had already made his heart pumped of adrenaline.

And memories flashed back in just 60 seconds. Her smiles, her kisses, her tears. They weaved together at once, and how beautiful was it.

He would make this right. He have got one more chance. He would make this right! Now that he know why. Why she left, why she cried on the broken line.

He would make this right; So they would be together once again; so their infinity would always be infinity.

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