Svern's letter (1)

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Rythm Lane,

Babe... Kids... It's only a month since you left. How did you got through this? Taking care of them? When they're too whiny and too smart for their own good especially Morrigan? I know she hates my guts but she still respects me. Hindi ko na alam ang gagawin ko to gain her trust and love.  While our Mallory is still the sweetest though she still asks about you time to time and Keegan? He's too... I don't know. He's so different yet we are the same, does it even make sense? How are you? I miss you... I know now how wrong I am. How cruel I was... I knew who you were yet I didn't find you, I was scared. I was about to marry Kaori like my parents plan and I can't fail. I thought that you were so innocent that I can't pull you in my world. Just like you said it's cruel and messy and dangerous. I couldn't put you through those things. You were so young, you're only 20. I didn't know I got you pregnant. I... I didn't know... I'm sorry, fuck...

Svern Heegan


Rythm Lane,

Hi love it's me again. It's been 6 months since you left, I hadn't seen you since then even when I was sending our kids or when they're calling you... Do you still hate me? I... I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it, I pushed him! I swear. I even sue him for doing that! I... Morrigan's barely notice me. I feel like he even hates staying here. I... I don't know. Can you come back now?

Svern Heegan.


Rythm Lane,

Hi babe... I've been busy. It's been a year and a half since you left and I fucking feel so empty. I'm a jerk, right? You know before Kaori and I separated. We had a talk. She said she hated how I fell out of love first for her. She said it started when I had my rut before we got married. Two years before we got married. When she smelled someone else's pheromones on me. She cried not because she was still in love but because she realizes it wasn't me who fell out of love first. My brother... He was always there for her. When she was always alone because I was busy building the empire doing what my parents wants me too. I didn't blame them. Maybe it was my fault. Maybe that was my karma for hurting you. For letting you go through pregnancy alone, for not realizing you were juggling your life while taking care of the twins. I... I know now how stupid I am.

Svern Heegan


Rythm Lane,

  Did you know Morrigan and I had a fight because I asked her not to come home late and this is what she said. "Daddy, can you let me go? I wanna be with Papa. I hate you, I still hate you! You weren't there when Papa was crying every time we ask where you were! You weren't there when people are bullying Papa because he's alone and an omega! You weren't there when they're saying papa is a whore who sells his body that's wy he got us! You weren't there when Papa lost Saint and he won't stop crying! You weren't there!" Tell me Rythm, I fuckng hate myself, it hurts hearing this from our daughter. I wanna kill my fuckng self. I don't know how did you do it? How could you love me still? I put you in pain over and over and over again. She was crying and I can't even hug her... I'm sorry.


Svern Heegan

After taste (BxB) (OMEGAVERSE) (BOYSLOVE) MPREGWhere stories live. Discover now