Start from the beginning

"What makes you think I won't crush you and take it for myself?" Chuuya asks.

"You aren't such a fool of a human." The ravenette says, making the blue-eyed narrow his eyes. "Besides, I can answer another question that you would want answered."

"So you see right through me, huh?" The ginger sighs. "Tell me one thing. What exactly is the leader of an organization?" He asks.

"A leader is both the head of an organization, and its slave. For the survival and profit of the organization, they gladly put themselves through any manner of filth. They develop their subordinates and place them where they fit best. And, if necessary, they use and dispose of them. For the sake of the organization, they take on any act of barbarism with zeal. That is a leader." Mori explains, Chuuya looking up at him with amazement with his take on and opaque description of what being a leader is. "All for the organization, and for the protection of this beloved city."

"Then I dedicate my blood and all that I am to you, Boss." Chuuya says, as he got down on one knee, the hat that once belonged to Randou close to his chest. "I will protect this organization that you work to support, and I will work for you to decimate its enemies. Our enemies will know the vicious gravity that will crush those who oppose the Port Mafia."

The ravenette boss of the Port Mafia stood up from his chair, smiling down at the kneeling ginger. "Welcome to the Port Mafia, Nakahara Chuuya-kun."

He turns to you, you both making brief eye contact before you broke it, looking down slightly.

"As for you," He says. "You'd be a great addition to our ranks," He walks toward you, your expression unchanging. "And–" He leans down to whisper in your ear. "– It seems you're a great team with those two. I'd also appreciate having someone to intervene when they fight too much."

"..Sure." You reluctantly say.

In truth, you really had nothing else to do. Dazai had proved that the mafia's lifestyle was one that you could relate to— death being a regular part. As an adeptus, you had sworn your life to causing 

"Now, welcome to the Port Mafia, Adeptus Y/n." He says.


Now, Chuuya was walking alongside a woman who was decked out in Japanese attire– Kouyou.

Kouyou was quite tall, being about a head taller than Chuuya. She had long, orange hair that was tied up in a traditional hairstyle with one side of her bangs covering her left eye. Her makeup was done very beautifully, and her reddish-orange eyeliner completing her makeup.

The fifteen-year old ginger was wearing new clothes that certainly fit his new Mafia status. "Why are you taking me to the meeting, big sis?" He asks.

"Stop calling me big sis." She says. "I'm not that old yet. For your information, of course. The meeting today is with one of the Mafia's front organizations. Every cup of tea, every pause in the conversation affects the Mafia's future." She says, looking at the short ginger on her right.

"What if my taking part in the meeting makes them angry?"

"We'll deal with that when it happens." She says, a soft smile appearing on her face. "If the boat is so easily tipped, it would be a greater triumph to destroy it spectacularly." The small ginger next to her just blinks.

His attention shifts as he heard a child laughing from in front of him. "I'm Kyusaku! Hey, let's play! Come on, let's play." The two gingers stop walking, Chuuya's face scrunching up in irritation.

"Fine, fine, when you're older." Yep. The reason why he looked so annoyed was because Dazai was there. The brunette suddenly shouts out when he saw the ginger in front of him, with 'Kyusaku' and Mori.

"You!" Chuuya shouts.

"Chuuya!" Dazai yells, running toward him at full speed before stopping in front of him, screeching to a stop. "Why do you think we recruited you?! You're my dog!"


"If I tell you my leg is itchy, you scratch it. If I tell you I want to eat soba, you threaten a soba shop owner into coming here. That's your job! So what the hell are you doing under Kouyou-san's direct command?! Working your way up the ladder?! Smooth sailing?!"

Kyusaku and Mori had walked over, Kyusaku standing in between the two arguing teenagers, looking up in interest while Mori just stood calmly behind the angry brunette.

"You're young! Go do some grunt work!"

"Shut up, you scheming bastard!" Chuuya yells back. "I joined the Port Mafia of my own accord! I'm not going to be your henchman or your dog!"

"Was it really such a good idea to have these two in the same organization?" Kouyou asks Mori as she walks by, stopping briefly. "Boss-dono?"

"Only a diamond can polish another diamond." Mori simply says, murmuring to himself afterward. "Besides, we have Y/n."


"Me." You say, appearing behind Kyusaku, who looked up at you with interest just as they look at Chuuya and Dazai as they continue to argue. "You two, stop it." You say calmly, picking the child up as they giggle softly.

It was then they notice your changed clothes. You were now wearing a hanfu, the black long sleeve covering where your tattoo was on your arm. The other half of the top of the hanfu was white, the sleeve wasn't attached to the top, and it started around your elbow, and both your sleeves were long and baggy. A black garter was around your upper arm, before your left sleeve started. The lower half of the hanfu was a black skirt that reaches down to just above your ankles. Your hanfu had golden embroidery and your usual necklace was around your neck like always. You had white ankle socks and simple wooden sandals, the base being painted black with a black strap.

"You two are always pointlessly arguing." You say as they watch you pick up Kyusaku, holding them in your arms as they giggle playfully.

They were speechless, staring at you with an unreadable expression as you held the child as if they were your own. You turn away, back into Kouyou's and Mori's direction, running your gloved hands through Kyusaku's bi-colored hair gently.

"Let's just go to this meeting, shall we?" You say, turning your back to the previously arguing pair, the said pair's eyes were super glued onto your figure as you walk beside Kouyou to the direction of the meeting, leaving the boys absolutely speechless as you began to chat with the tall female and the cute kid still in your arms.



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