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Soonyoung loved his life. He was one of those annoying people who enjoyed going to work at his dream job and doing everything with a smile.

He had a perfect job running his own dance studio, a perfect boyfriend who was working to be a famous artist, Lee Jihoon. The boy was everything and more that Soonyoung needed. He also had Jun and Wonwoo, the two best friends anyone could ever ask for...he had it all.

Until he didn't.

Soonyoung thought long and hard about where everything went wrong. He could think of a few situations that led him to where he was, outside in the cold on an old forgotten playground that he and his friends used to climb on but the main one was the death of his best friend, Jun.

It wasn't Jun's fault, of course, Soonyoung knew that and immediately hated even thinking that all his problems started there but he knew that day changed not only him but everyone else too.

Soonyoung had been best friends with Jun, Wonwoo, and Jihoon almost his entire life. (Well, the part of his life he can remember that is.) Wonwoo and he had grown up together vowing to never need any more friends until the day Jihoon and Jun had shown up in middle school, stealing each of their hearts. Once they met, the four of them were inseparable. The only thing that ever made them fall apart was the night Jun had his car wreck.

After Jun passed something changed within Wonwoo, which was understandable, it was his husband. Wonwoo was always quiet and slightly reserved but he always had a warmth to him and a playfulness that he reserved specifically for those closest to him but the untimely death of Jun quickly turned Wonwoo more cold and angry.

Two years before Jun's passing they both were finally approved to adopt and once they brought Nari into their home so much more light and love was brought into Soonyoung's small circle. He spent many nights with Nari in his lap teaching the other how to growl like a tiger while stealing glances towards Jihoon, wondering if Jihoon felt anything in his heart at the sight of Soonyoung with a baby.

Wonwoo had been terrified of having a baby but that man would do anything for Jun. Soonyoung spent many nights by Wonwoo's side while they both tried to figure out how to put a diaper on Nari while Jun had late night studio lessons.

Wonwoo was Soonyoung's best friend and he had never wanted to share him until he met Jun. The moment Wonwoo introduced Jun to him, Soonyoung couldn't believe the blush that stayed stained on Wonwoo's cheeks. He knew at that moment his best friend was in love and he didn't mind. He got along very well with Jun-both loud and loved to dance plus Jun's best friend, Jihoon, was also very intriguing.

Things were different now with Wonwoo though. Wonwoo being more than obvious with not wanting to deal with Soonyoung's loud laugh or silly jokes like he once did. Jihoon told Soonyoung to not take it personally but it was hard seeing one of your closest friends grow to dislike you. Wonwoo wasn't just busy though with work but he was also busy with trying to juggle both his jobs and the life of a single dad. Many nights Nari snuggled up next to Soonyoung on the studio couch while the other two men worked away. Soonyoung didn't mind this because he cherished Nari but he sometimes saw the sadness in the younger's eyes when Wonwoo would brush him away, he knew the feeling all too well.

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