Chapter 14: I'm My Own Lord Now

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X and Shantae saw a Maverick sitting down and he got up and it was the trigger that almost caused Scuttle Town to drown in a sea of lava.

The Maverick was a large bulky Indominus Rex Reploid, he had golden, red, blue and black armor with white on the jaw, he had tiny holes that allowed blue flames to sprout, with an Obsidian colored mask for the eyes not to be shown, he was producing blue fire from his mouth, he had a blue spotted hide, and razor sharp claws with heavy golden sharp armor on the legs, arms and chest with a tail that the end was a blue flame.

Shantae: That must be the Maverick that almost destroyed Scuttle Town!

X: Give up whoever you are, state your name!

???: Fine, there's no use for hiding my identity....

Cremation Indominus: My name is Cremation Indominus, one of the Mavericks of Sequin Land, and I was told to burn you all in a sea of lava.

Cremation Indominus: There is a reason why no one is here, because I'm going to erupt this volcano, killing you two in the process.

Shantae: We won't let you do that!

X: Give up and surrender now!

Cremation Indominus: Calm down, I have no use in fighting both of you, I just need to finish my mission and drown you two in lava.

Cremation Indominus leaped to the core of the volcano and was ready to explode it into a heavy disaster.

Cremation Indominus: Goodbye my friends, so sad we didn't get to know each other more.

Shantae and X were about to stop him until everyone heard a voice out of nowhere.

???: Mike....

Cremation Indominus: Wait who's there!? Show yourself!!

Then a female ghost appeared behind Cremation Indominus and X and Shantae was surprised while Cremation Indominus was shocked.

Cremation Indominus: Wait... Samantha?

Shantae and X were in shock that the ghost of the lady turned out to be the wife of Cremation Indominus, Samantha.

Samantha: Mike.. what are you doing?

Cremation Indominus: Don't worry honey! I'm going to bring you back to life! Just please leave okay?

Samantha: No... I don't want to leave anymore.. I want the truth!

Cremation Indominus: Samantha, I'm trying to bring you back to life! You don't know how much I've gone through to be this close to see you again! I just want to make you smile again!

Samantha: Fine... if you want to make me smile, then... you have to let me go. No more bring me back to life nonsense.

Cremation Indominus: Wait Samantha please! It's just a small price to pay!

Samantha: For what!? Millions of innocent lives dead in exchange for my life revived!? It's just not worth it!

Cremation Indominus: Wait Samantha please!

Samantha: No, when your ready to pass away, please just let me go, and I'll be happy to wait for you!

Cremation Indominus: Samantha...

Samantha: Please Mike, don't let those monsters control you, I love you so much, goodbye Mike.

Cremation Indominus: SAMANTHA!!!

Her spirit then went back into the afterlife and Cremation Indominus was punching the floor in a sad rage.

Cremation Indominus: DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT!!!

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