Chapter 13: The Heated Journey

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The two heroes got to Mount Sequin and Shantae remembered something familiar about this volcano.

Shantae: Wait a minute... This is Risky's Hideout! I been here before.

X: Wait you have?

Shantae: Yes, this is were I stopped the Tinkerbrain from fully corrupting the Genie Realm.

X: Wow, you did all of that? No wonder that your called a Half-Genie Guardian!

X and Shantae got to a big gateway that was blocked by a bunch of boulders.

X: Well the only way is in there.

Shantae: Allow me!

Shantae did a magical belly dance and then turned into an elephant!

Shantae then rammed the blocked entrance with ease and returned to normal

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Shantae then rammed the blocked entrance with ease and returned to normal.

Shantae: So what do you think about my Elephant Dance?

X: That's amazing Shantae! How many forms do you have?

Shantae: Well I have quite a few, now let's go stop Mount Sequin from erupting!

X: I'm with you!

The two heroes then went into the volcano to see what was causing Mount Sequin to erupt and stop it from erupting before wiping out Scuttle Town.

Shantae and X walked through the hallways of lava and magma, but no one was at the abandoned Hideout. No Tinkerbats, no Tinkerbeasts, no Risky Boots, no one was there.

Shantae: That's strange, usually Tinkerbats are here, but it looks empty. Somethings wrong....

X: If something is wrong then we need to be prepared for it, let's continue.

Then X and Shantae heard a loud echo. And saw a huge wave of lava was coming towards them. X and Shantae screamed and ran an fast as their legs could carry them trying to outrun the lava. Then X grabbed Shantae bridal style and wall jumped to a safe ledge until the lava passed.

Shantae: That's was crazy! I guess now we know why there's nobody here!

Shantae and X jumped down the ledge and was starting to sprint to avoid being caught off guard.

X: Alright so lava will be our enemy until we get to the bottom of this, so we need to be fast and careful.

A lava geyser popped up infront of X, frightening him and causing him to scream.

X: *Little girl screaming*

Shantae: How is that careful X?

The lava then went back into the ground and X got his act together.

X: Okay we need to be fast, careful and lucky.

Shantae and X continued to run down the halls of the volcano, dodging fireballs, rising lava, lavafalls and trying their best not to get burned to a crisp. After doing this for a devastating 10 minutes, Shantae began to feel dizzy and sick.

Shantae: Ohh, hehe! My heads going all over the place...

X: Not good! AVIAS check her status!

AVIAS: Her body is not doing well Master X! Her body temperature his burning up and she is suffering from the effects of dehydration, she needs to be treated immediately!

X then hugged Shantae and lowered his body temperature so Shantae's temperature can be lowered, X then gave Shantae and mask and a tank full of water.

X: Here put this on.

Shantae: Okay....

Shantae then putted on the mask and started to drink the cold water, allowing Shantae to get back up on her feet.

Shantae: *Sigh* I feel refreshed!

AVIAS: That's should hold your condition for now Mrs. Shantae, but you have 20 minutes before things get critical.

Shantae: Okay then, we better get going.

X: Right, let's get to the bottom of this.

3 minutes later, X and Shantae finally got to the heart of the volcano and stepped inside to face whatever what was in there.

Shantae: Anyone or anything here?

X: Looks like nothing is here.

Then the door shutted tightly behind them, X couldn't get it the open and Shantae and X were trapped.

X: The door won't budge!

Shantae: You mean were stuck!? But there's nobody here! Who would do this!?


The lava then exploded and out of the lava and rock, X and Shantae saw a figure sitting criss cross. The one who triggered the eruption, was none other, than a Maverick.

The Maverick Hunter And The Half-Genie Heroine जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें