You didn't want to stand up. You really didn't but you decided to give in. What if he's going to have another wheezing fit? "How is that going to help?" you complained while standing up and pushing the chair aside.

"Now I don't have to turn my head." he replied casually. You wanted to say something to that but he quickly interrupted you "You were visiting April's father with her in his lab when you were young."

"Really? I don't remember ever doing that. I'm sure I would have remembered you." you protested. You've never visited the lab as far as you recall. Your own father would never let you. Where did he even know all this from?

"Well I was just a regular rat before April saved us and we mutated," he explained.

"What." you were so lost.

He squirted his eyes at you and his nose did a little adorable wiggling motion. "I guess April really hadn't told you anything about us-"

"Us like in multiple? There are more of you?" There was no way, more rat men were running around in the sewers. No.

"Yeah. Ugh" he suddenly lifted his arm and touched his head, closing his eyes. You stepped closer, placing your hand on the table.

The concussion. Maybe he didn't even know what he was talking about. You couldn't be sure anything he tells you now is even true. "You could feel like this for a while. Dizzy, maybe your head is going to hurt." you informed him, biting onto your lip. You wanted to ask about everything April didn't tell you but he was in no condition to chat with you right now. "Hey uh- I still don't know your name."

"Splinter." he muttered.

"Splinter. I need to find April now. To talk to her. Do you know where she went?" you said softly in case his head was sensitive to loud sounds at the moment.

"I uh- I don't understand any of those modern things but there should be a tracking... box? On the table by the computers.'' He tried his best to explain and you quickly followed his instructions. You managed to find a small tracking device and turn it on.

A little dot was blinking on the screen but it was moving strangely fast. Even for a car.

"Who is this thing tracking?"

"One of my sons. Find him, you'll find April."


You took the elevator because walking up the stairs was against your nature and it would take too long. You impatiently waited for it to open and then pressed the top floor button multiple times just to be sure. When the elavator moved the only noise was a quiet humming of the elevator engines.

You wondered if it was a good idea to let Vernon alone in the lab. He may have been playing a hero in front of you but you knew he was shitting his pants. The sooner April's friends finish whatever they were doing up there the sooner the medics can get to Vernon.

You faced a mirror on the wall behind you and observed your swollen nose. It wasn't so bad but the bruising was still to fully show. The only thing that pissed you off was that you'll have to show up to work like this on monday. It was an embarrassing story too. Why couldn't it be something cool like a brutal fist fight with a cop? Even falling down the stairs would be better than this.

Your thought process was interrupted by another sudden shake of the building. The elevator lights went out and then lit up again and you grabbed the railing for support.

You were scared for a moment that you're gonna get stuck in here, but then the elevator finally stopped on the top floor. You hoped April was okay because whatever was happening up there didn't sound good. You got out expecting to be on the roof already. To your displeasure you stepped out only to see a flight of stairs at the end of the hallway.

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