Chapter 7

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AN – This chapter is dedicated to Rust Phoenix, who's an unbelievably talented poet and whose reviews made me snap out of my decision to abandon this story and write a new chapter in  4 hours flat. You're amazing!


I discovered my castles stand on pillars of salt and pillars of sand


"Ames, are you alright, darling?"

It was a very a good question, given the state of things. Incidentally, it wasn't a question she'd encountered only once.

Moments were treacherous beings. But Amelia already knew all that.

Moments were treacherous beings that snuck up on you like the breeze on a summer night, coming to pass before the batting of an eyelid, barely touching a life but changing its course all the same, and for a mind at peace, that would be a lovely, poetic thought. But Amelia already knew all that.

What she really, really wanted to focus on was the moment that was fast approaching. You see, the thrill of the moment was lost the very second it could be anticipated – waiting for one to pass was no pleasant business. Amelia would learn about it on two separate occasions, both in the company of a sagacious blonde, and both would involve Adam in ways that would make her heart speed up uncomfortably.

It was almost funny how little things changed in a span of four years.


"Ames, are you alright darling?" asked Sarah, a smile playing upon her lips.

Amelia chose not to answer the question, instead focussing on her reflection in the mirror, watching how blank and glassy her eyes looked in the bright fluorescent light bouncing off the mirror in the ladies' room at Callaghan's. A few seconds passed, however, and she could tell by the silence that Sarah really did expect a reply, and she was just being frightfullyrude.

"I'm alright", she offered, after much deliberation.

 Sarah merely smirked in response, watching Amelia's movements with interest, then spoke again after a few seconds, "You know, green really suits you."

"What? Oh, um, thanks." Then, after a thoughtful pause, "Really, though?"

"Yes dear, it brings out your eyes so well. By the way, Adam loves green."

Amelia's momentary smile slipped from her face.

"Sarah, there's something –"

"I know, Ames!" Sarah interjected hastily, aware of the line she'd overstepped, "I shouldn't be doing this. I know this is too fast for you and you don't wanna go out with anybody so soon, but Adam's just –"

"Sarah, no. Just, listen – it's Jason."

It was time for Sarah's smile to disappear.

"I thought you were done with that asshole."

"He messaged me this morning", said Amelia, ignoring Sarah's expletive, focussing instead at the small furrow between her brows and the giant shadows it cast on her face. It was almost comical enough to pry away her attention from the problem at hand. Almost. "He said he wanted to grab a few drinks with me, and, well, talk about... things."

"You're not going, are you?" Sarah stood with an identical frown, her arms crossed across her chest.

"Well, no – I mean, I'm here, aren't I?"

"Oh. Oh, he meant tonight?"

Amelia nodded in response.

"Oh, but then – ", Sarah appeared confused for a while, "then how come you said no?"

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