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??? POV

My name is Akashi Horose.

My quirk is called " Demon Strength. It is a body enhancement. If i reach at a high power level i would even release electricity from the pressure of the power. Is it a strong quirk? Yes.

I'm one of the hero trainees in class 2-A of UA hero high school.

Yes, i ended up being in the hero course. Do i feel satisfied?  I can't say that i do. I would prefer to give the exams like the other students. Even a recommendation exam would be great. However, i entered through a project the principal would call " The villain Rehabitation."

Yes. I am a villain. Or i would say...a former villain. What exactly happened?

At the age of 10 i was walking to home. Then i saw three kids to pick on a girl.

" So you want to become a hero? With a deadly quirk like that? Haha, What a joke."

I heard from a distance.

" Let me go."

" Or what? Gonna tell ur mama?"

I saw a pink girl with black eyes with yellow pupils and horns being...bullied, i guess.... from three boys at my age, probably.

" Hey, let her go." I yelled without realising it.

The boys turned on me.

" What did you say?"

" I said, let her go." I repeated.

" Boys. Let's change target." their leader said.

Unlucky for me, despite my fighting nature, i couldn't hit someone. I don't even know why i yelled at them. Was it pure instinct? I don't know. But whatever the reason was, this was the beginning of my fall.

These guys targeted me for a year. They even brought a bigger boy, who was the leader's brother, and they left me one X mark on my one cheek and a scar on the other cheek.

I could endure all that, but after one year they used their scariest card. And since they were from out of school i couldn't tell anyone about it. I didn't even know their names.

They used rope to tie me up in a colony. I had my face on the colony. One of them was watching the rope so i couldn't escape. They took out my T-shirt. Their leader pulled out a knife. He wrote something in my back using the knife. I was gagged with a cloth so no one would here my screams of pain.

When this torture ended, they took a photo of the writing. It was saying " Zero".

After two minutes of hering their laughs, i could finally move. This was the moment i decided to change my fate. It was the moment i thought " I had enough.".

I attacked their leader using my quirk at full strength. I beat their leader to death...literally. I killed him. His face wasn't a face anymore. It was only broken skull. That caused him to stop his brain and his breathing.

Then the other two remained. They were twins.

I lost control of myself and i attacked the one. I punched him and i used the leader's knife to slaughter him to death.

Then i heard a random civilian's scream. Yes. I was seen to kill someone. When i realised that, the other boy left running.

I gave up to the police because i realised what i have done. I told them the truth. However, the police decided to put me in jail for 4 years, anyways. At the age of eleven i became the youngest prisoner in history. My case was never made in public. It was a secret case.

I was transferred to Thailand.

My roommate happened to love kids and he never abused me or used evil on me. In fact, he was a Muai Thai former champion. He trained me in the jail for two years. It was impressive how much i improved and how useful martial arts will be with my quirk.

Due to good behaviour, i was transferred to Japan jail. I asked to bring me a martial arts teacher. They brought me a Karate master. In another two years i managed to improve fast. After that i mixed Muay Thai and Karate to use my own martial arts. 

Of course i tried to train my quirk too.

For one year, i would compete in underground tournaments with the police on my back to make sure i won't escape. I won several tournaments.

At the age of 16 i got finally released. But what now? A chimera was waiting outside.

" Hello, Akashi Horose. I'm Nezu. Principal of UA hero high school." he said.

" First, how do you know me? And second, can i help you?" I asked.

" I'm someone who looks for the future of my school and the hero world. That includes kids who killed in the age of 11." Nezu said.

" Was that necessary?" i said. It's been five years but i still can't ignore the fact that i killed someone.

" So, i answered the first question. To answer your second question, i am here to offer you a place in UA hero course." he said.

I couldn't help but laugh. 

" Is this a joke? A killer who becomes a hero. This is not a fairy tale. This is reality." I said.

" To me, it matters only one thing. Do you want to become a hero? Unrealistic or not." Nezu said.

" Well, i guess so. It was my dream. But sadly it was because i wanted to play the hero that i ended up in jail. I saved a girl and i paid for it. For a year." i said.

" Then can i take it as a yes?" Nezu said.

I realised he was dead serious.

" Okay. And how am i gonna join? The exams must be taken in the first year. I'm a second year student." i pointed out.

" I have already a solution. Well, you won't like it, tho."Nezu said. 

" I'm hearing." i said.

" You will join UA under a villain rehabitation program." he said.

" I don't like this. But if it's the only way, i'll endure it." i gave my answer.

After a week, i stepped to UA dorms. I left my stuff to my room and i headed to the main building.

I went to Nezu's office to meet my homeroom teacher.

" Here's your homeroom teacher. Shota Aizawa. Oh, and your class will learn that you're in a villain rehabitation, so you can tell them the truth." he said.

" Let's go to class kid." he said.

" Not talkactive,huh?" i thought.

I was waiting for Aizawa to call me. 

After 2 minutes i heard him.

" Come in."

I opened the door.

I faced my new classmates.

" Speak about yourself kid." Aizawa said.

There was a small silence.

" I'm Akashi Horose. And i am a villain."

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