Frustration ran through my veins. “GET OFF!!” I squirmed and kicked trying to get him off of me. It was futile. I looked down to see the door wide open for the neighbors to see. I was about to scream, but Nate saw right through that closing it with his foot. I mentally cursed. This boy was very stubborn.

“Actually,” he began, interrupting me from my thoughts. “I think I like this position. Don’t you?”

I groaned irritated as I turned my head the other way.

“Aw,” he faked pouted. “Don’t be like that.” I could hear the teasing behind his tone.

“Get off,” I ordered not looking at him. “Now! I can’t breathe!”

He pursed his lips. “Then you’ll die in my arms. Now isn’t’ that romantic.”

I couldn’t help my heart from feeling a slight flutter. If he kept it up I would end up falling for him again. I couldn’t afford that…

He smirked as he brought his face down towards my cheek. I could feel his breath on my skin sending shivers throughout my body. He smelled so fresh and clean –tropical between mixture of melons and fresh cut cucumbers. It was a very sweet smell to me.

 “Look,” he began again like before bringing me to the present. “I won’t let you go until you listen to me. So get use to it.”

He rested his forehead on the hallow part of my neck. It sent my heart into a crazed beating. I hoped he wouldn’t hear it. He inhaled deeply as blood rushed towards my face. At that moment I felt self conscious about myself.

God, I thought nervously. It’s so hot in here.

Then he spoke in a very calm and serious tone. It astonished me because Nate seemed to be the goofball than be taken seriously.

“My mother doesn’t tolerate lies,” he began slowly.  “If she finds out we lied to her we in for a big trouble. Not only will I be in trouble, but you… it’ll be worse, trust me. She will bring you down; crush you like an insignificant ant, that’s my mother.”

I tensed underneath his arms. Everything tuned down as I realized my mistake in this deal. She will destroy my life and my mother’s. Just what kind of trouble did I get myself in?

He continued, “So you better keeping on lying with me if you don’t want that, please.” He seemed helpless at the end, desperate. For a second I felt a strong urge to hug him, but shook it off.

Don’t forget what he did to you, a voice in my head said. It instantly brought me back.

He lifted his head up as I turned around to face him. We were inches away from our noses touching. His blue eyes smoldered into mine. I resisted the urge to touch his angelic face. Instead I bit my bottom lip. He smiled gently as he began to release me as I was losing myself in his ocean blue eyes. I blinked a couple of times trying to snap out of it.

Rolling my eyes, I nodded reluctantly, "fine, but don't expect much out of me." After all, I couldn’t afford to lose everything my mother built with her determination.

My mother’s face popped into my mind. Guilt over powered me. No, I couldn’t do that to her, I didn’t want to put her in any more trouble than we were already in. As long as I was getting paid nothing else mattered.

I was about to say something more when he smiled like Chester the cat cutting me off.

He pushed himself off of me getting on his feet. Nate frowned realizing something as he looked down on his red shirt. I stood up as followed his gaze.

“I hate getting wet.” Without warning, he took off his shirt showing me his well chiseled chest. I looked away from him blushing. He snorted.

“Are you too innocent?” he teased. “Should I…,” he trailed off as he placed his hands on his pants. He unbuttoned his pants and just as he was heading for the zipper I jolt up with eyes as wide as donuts.

“No!” I wailed placing my hands on his stopping him. I stared at him, my face flushing red. He raised an eyebrow staring at me then dropped his gaze down towards where my hands were. I followed his gaze. Automatically I pulled my hands to my chest, flushing further.

“S-sorry,” I muttered. He grinned at me teasing.

“Do continue,” he mocked. “I think we could have gotten somewhere.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Ha-ha.” He chuckled shaking his head as he buttoned his pants. I sighed lightly when he did that. My heart was starting to calm down when I noticed that he was staring at me.


“Aren’t you going to change?”

“Huh?” I looked down at my clothes to find them wet as his. I groaned.

“I take it you don’t like wet stuff either,” he pointed out as he threw me his shirt. “Be nice and dry it for me please hon.”

I smiled smugly at him throwing him back his shirt . “Why don’t you do it yourself, honey.” He frowned when I mimicked his mockingly tone. “Mean while I’ll go change.”

“Mmm,” he said. “Does that sound like an invitation?”

I gave him a flat look. He raised his hands mid air.

“I’m just playing with you,” he explained. “It was only a joke.”

I rolled my eyes as I went up towards my room. Scratching the back of head i began to think about the ups and downs of this deal. The main challenge was his mother. I went straight to my drawer as I pulled out a dry clean shirt. Quickly, I changed into it. If pull this one off I will make my mother less worry with the bills and me. But Nate was a stupid pimp.

How the hell could we fool his mother? When everybody knows that he's a playboy? I inhaled through my nose as I spread my wet shirt on the chair near my desk. Shaking my head I headed downstairs. As I drew near the couch I was surprised to find him asleep. One arm was thrown over his forehead while the other hung lose on the ground. His hair was mess I felt the strong urge to tangle my finger in them. I shook my head. Silently I walked over to him until I was facing him. I kneeled down until I was at his height.

His lips were slightly parted. I stared at him analyzing his features.

How can someone like him be ever interested in someone like me? He won’t and will not ever fall for a girl like me even if I dreamed it. He’s a rich person –someone who is all mighty and thinks his god. I can’t fall for him either I shouldn’t… I…, but I already did…

I looked at the clock that was hung near the entrance of living room it read 4:35pm. I pursed my lips. My mother would be arriving soon from work. I poke Nate on the shoulder.


I poked harder only this time it was in his right cheek. Still no response. Irritated, I shook harder with both my hands. He only moaned.

I stared at him flatly. His boy slept like a log.

“Nate,” I said. “Wake up.”

I hovered over his face staring at him. What do I wake him up with? Just as I thought that he brought his face forward. My eyes widen when our lips met. After a second or two my body finally reacted and I pushed him away blushing deeper than red. He fell on the couch still in deep sleep.  

I brought my hands up towards my lips, speechless.

“My first kiss,” I whispered staring at Nate.

.:His [FAKE] Girlfriend:.Where stories live. Discover now