Epilogue ~ 2 years later.

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Ariel sighed softly as she caressed her bump. "I'm gonna get cha, Melly!" Her husband of 2 years shouted from behind. Her daughter, Melody, squealed and toddled off as fast as her chubby legs would let her. She giggled. The baby moved around inside as she rubbed it soothingly.

Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumping, dancing
Strolling along down the, what's that word again?

Up where they walk, up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free, wish I could be
Part of that world
What would I give if I could live out of these waters?
What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?
Betcha on land, they understand
Bet they don't reprimand their daughters
Wouldn't I love, love to explore that shore up above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world

She sang softly, gazing out at the sunset. "I remember when you sang that to me," She turned with a smile, holding out her arms. Eric gently placed Melody on her lap, minding her large bump. "It's one of my favourite songs," She wrapped her arms around her daughter, rocking slightly. "Aren't all songs your favourite?" He asked teasingly. Ariel rolled her eyes. "Yes, but ultimate favourites..."

Melody began sucking her thumb, as she did when she was tired. "What's your other favourite one then?" He asked. Ariel smiled softly. "The one my mom used to sing when I was a baby,"

"Yeah? How does that go?" Eric asked. "I'll sing it for Melly tonight. After dinner and a bath though, because she's a sweaty girl, aren't you baby?" She grinned as she stood up, groaning softly. "Careful," Eric warned, grabbing her elbow. She grinned. "Worried I'll break?" She teased. "I'm being serious," She met his eyes. "Don't worry, my love! I'm pregnant, not dying," She kissed his cheek. "Besides, I've already done it once. I know what I'm doing,"


Eric smiled as Ariel sang Melody to sleep. "Oh the waves roll low, and the waves roll high and so it goes... under the bright blue... endless sky... waves try to measure... the days that we treasure... wave hello, and wave goodbye," She hobbled out not too long after, grinning. "She go down easy?" He asked, sipping his drink. Ariel nodded as she eased herself into a chair. He reached over and grabbed her hand, rubbing the back with his thumb. "Before the song even finished," She smiled.

She grabbed his hand and moved it to her lower belly with a wide grin. He grinned widely as well when his baby moved quickly under his hand. "She likes you," Ariel smiled. "And Melly. She always moves when Melly speaks to her,"

Eric looked up with a smirk. "She? We're having another girl are we?" He teased. Ariel flushed brightly. "Well... she moves the same way Melly did... and she's laying where Melly did... and intuition," She smiled. "Besides, my mother had eight daughters, so I wouldn't doubt it too much,"

"We're not having eight children, let me make that much clear," He said seriously. Ariel laughed. "Why? Don't you want another six babies running around?" She laughed. Eric shook his head. "Absolutely not. Two is enough... maybe four," Ariel's eyes widened. "Four? Are you having a laugh? Who's giving birth to these four children of yours, huh?" Eric laughed. "You were all set for eight a minute ago!" He laughed louder when Ariel burst into laughter.

He sighed softly as the soft sea breeze hit his face. "How is your mom? We haven't spoken to her in a while. Does she even know we're having another baby?" He watched Ariel slump forwards slightly, resting her hands on her knees. "No... none of them do... we really should go before baby's born. Otherwise, we'll be another six months," He hummed. "Well, how about I go to Grimsby right now, and tell him we're going away for two weeks? Yeah?" He asked, rubbing her thumb. She smiled. "I'd love that,"

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