The Power of a Rose

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Ozpin's Office

Jaune: Make it quick mortal!

Ozpin: Well Mr. Black I have a question for you.

Everyone was surprised of what Ozpin is about to do.

Glynda: Ozpin you can be serious?!

Ironwood: You're going to tell him?!

Jaune: Tell me what?

Ozpin: What is you favorite fairytale?

Jaune: Hmmm... mostly the silver eye warriors and the 4 maidens. Back when I was young my mother would tell me bed time stories about them why?

Ozpin: What if I tell you that those fairytales are true.

Jaune: Hmmm I see. Tell me more.

Ironwood: Wait your not surprised?

Jaune: Every tale has their beginning metal man. Back when I was with an ally of mine I did some reading on some history about the legend of the super saiyan and it turns out to be true.

Glynda: Super Saiyan?

Ozpin: Well back on topic if you would follow me Mr.Black.

The gang entered a elevator and were now heading down to the vault. As the exited out Jaune was a bit surprised of the display and soon the fall maiden before him.

Up close Jaune could feel her power been taken away with force leaving her in a critical state

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Up close Jaune could feel her power been taken away with force leaving her in a critical state.

Jaune: So is that her?

Ozpin: Yes that's her. Her name is Amber and she's the fall maiden. She's like this because her attackers took half of her power making her weak.

Ironwood: With atlas technology we're are able to keep her stable for now but we also found a way to extract the maidens powers onto another.

Glynda: Normally when a maidens dies her powers gets transferred into another women she last thinks of but if it's a male then things gets... complicated.

Jaune: I see. Then I assume you have more to say don't you?

Ozpin: We do but can we trust you with this information.

Jaune:... fine as a god myself I'll keep to your work. For now at least.

Ozpin: What if we tell you that there is someone who is controlling the Grimm.

Jaune: What do you mean?

Ozpin: Exactly what I mean. This individual is name is Salem. She controls the Grimm and what endless destruction.

Jaune: Then why not go after her yourself?

Ironwood: We tried but her Grimm forces are far too strong for us alone.

Ozpin: That is why we ask for your help Mr. Black. We want you to help us end this war with her and finally bring peace to Remnant. Will you help us?

Jaune:... I'll think about.

Ironwood: But-

Jaune: Silence mortal! I'll give me answers when I'm ready! Now is that all?

Ozpin: Yes that is all.

Jaune: Then I'll take my leave. And Ozpin I'll won't tell anyone this I promise you that but if there is a single thing you're not telling me... I will kill you. *uses instant transmission to Ruby's position*

At Jaune teleport in front of his dorm that has both Ruby and Blake inside he was stopped by Yang with a cast on her left arm.

Yang: Hey! Where they hell did you do to my sister?

Jaune: Oh Ruby? We'll let's just say her and I had
A little agreement. Don't worry you'll learn soon enough.

Yang: You better tell me or I'll-

Jaune: Or what human? I swear to the gods I would have killed you in the infirmary. Also your anger is nothing more than a childish tantrum.

Yang: Grrrr.

Ruby: Enough Yang!

Yang: Ruby what are you doing with this faker!

Ruby: Jaune taught me that I'm old enough to make my own decisions without you bossing me around. He showed me that huntsman and huntresses like you bring them a bad name. He showed me a new path which I will follow with or without you.

Yang: Ruby think a about what you are say-

Ruby: No I made up my mind. Soon I'll ask the headmaster to transfer me to Jaune's team and make Ice queen the new leader. She seems she always wanted to be leader anyways so why not!

Yang: Ruby please!

Ruby: I'm sorry Yang but this is the way.

The both leave Yang who started to cry now kneeling on the floor alone in the hallway. One by one everyone from Jaune's fight started to regain consciousness having first Weiss then Ren and lastly Cardin but now frighten to encounter Jaune now knowing his death has been sealed. They soon learn about Jaune's killing his father without mercy which left them to worry is he also after their heads as well?  Weiss started to regret bullying Jaune for the things she did to him but now in her mjnd was to either hide or beg for forgiveness. Nora & Ren wanted too to beg for forgiveness and wanted to be friends again. Like that will ever happen. Pyrrha wanted to apologize as well but she was too frightened to even find the right words to say. Cardin was now panicking. His death will come and soon he needs to do something fast. He could call his father to send him to secret location but for some reason he knew not even that could save him. Soon he thought Atlas could help but he saw what Jaune did to those Grimm in vale which made him sweat like crazy. Back in Jaune's dorm he was training both Ruby and Blake a technique that can increase their speed and strength but only a brief moment. This technique was the kaioken. The were about to use it up to times 2 but not 3 yet so he will keep training them until they do. Soon this work shall witness the power of a god at work.

 Soon this work shall witness the power of a god at work

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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