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After the fight between Jaune and his former friends except Ruby and Blake most of the other students kept their distance away from him making sure to not to get on his bad side. Teams (R)W(B)Y, NPR, and CRDL were still in the infirmary do to their injuries Jaune gave them. Now he was waiting for the two to enter the roof top an have a long talk to them. He looked at the broken moon above the sky thinking how this world used to be so peaceful until the Grimm and human interfered. Then he hears the door open revealing Ruby and Blake both A little scared on why he called them.

Jaune: Took you two long enough. Well I assume you both have questions on why I spared you both instead on braking every bone in you body. Well the answer is that I know you two didn't agree on bulling me from the start but instead were pear pressured am I correct?

They both nodded in response.

Jaune: Hmph pathetic mortal using their emotions for their own gain truly despicable. Here's the thing I'm willing to forgive you two this once but you two need to leave your team and join me instead.

They both look up in shock on hearing what he said.

Ruby: W-why?!

Jaune: Your team are nothing but a pathetic excuse for huntsman everywhere. They show only greed self interest than anything else and that's a sin. But you two show promise. You two actually care about others instead of your own well being and that commendable. That is why I'm giving you a choice. Join my team and I'll train you two to become the ultimate huntsman in the universe. *offers his hand* what do you say?

They were cautious about Jaune's offer but soon the reluctantly agreed. Soon they would secretly gather together for training sessions and soon Jaune will show them his ideas for a perfect world which soon they will agree.

Time skip

Jaune Was now training non stop. He wanted to show the world that a god has arrived to bring judgment to all and soon to those how have sinned will soon will face his judgment. During his time in Vale he decided to see what's new.

Ruby: Hey Jaune.

Jaune: Yes Miss Rose?

Ruby: *pouted* Stop calling me that!

Jaune: My apologies Miss Ruby. *smurks*

Ruby: *sigh* so whatcha dooinnn?

Jaune: Going to Vale to see what's new, you?

Ruby: Well since the others are still in the infirmary after your fight I decided to hang out with you.

Jaune: hehe very well kid.

Ruby: Hey I'm not a kid! I drink milk.

Time skip


In the infirmary Janet was the first to wake up and saw her teammates team (R)W(B)Y and CRDL still asleep. She remembered what happened seeing the disappointment landing a powerful punch in the face from the fight yesterday. This infuriated her that she wants to see the weakling who's boss. She picked up her scroll and called her father to bring her sisters and take down Jaune once and for all. Soon Pyrrha was the next to wake up surprisingly do to her condition and notice her leader with a evil grin on her face.

Pyrrha: Janet are you ok?

Janet: *Puts away her scroll* Oh yeah I'm fine just texted someone, nothing important.

Pyrrha: Ok? *sigh* I can't believe we were defeat by Jaune so easily.

Janet: I don't know how that weakling get so strong in that short amount of time.

Pyrrha: *looks at the others* 'does he plan on really killing us or something else?'

She saw her boyfriend still unconscious with multiple bandages on his stomach but she remembered hear that Jaune will kill him someday and remembering what Janet said months ago "an Arc never goes down on her word" frightens her. She knew her actions are far from forgivable but she needs to apologize always once to Jaune if he doesn't kill her first.

Ozpin's office

Ironwood: So this Jaune person faked his transcript but you so potential in him so you let him stay?

Ozpin: That's correct James, I believe you saw the reports I hade on him and you must agree?

Ironwood: I cannot argue with that. Mr.Ar- I mean Black has beated two of your schools best student in the shortest amount of time but I had a feeling he was holding back.

Ozpin: I agree I just hope he doesn't side with her.

Ironwood: Or does something worse.

Glynda: So what should we do with Mr.Black?

Ozpin: Give him his own dorm and a huntman

Ironwood: Are you sure about this?

Ozpin: Not really but if it mean keeping Mr. Black on our side then so be it.

They all agree knowing full well if Jaune sided with Salem it would be a one way fight. But it left them with one question how did he get here all bruises up.

Beacon courtyard

Ruby: Well enjoy your time in Vale again?

Jaune: No not really.

Ruby: Ok... Jaune are happy you're back?

Jaune... I'll be honest Ruby, I would destroy this planet than living on it.

Ruby: What made you change hmm?

Jaune: *looks at Ruby* You.

Ruby: *blush* Me?!

Jaune: You are embodiment of innocent Ruby. You were one of them who support me in my darks hour.

Ruby was blushing ups storm upon hearing Jaune's words but it was rudely interrupted by a long sword head Jaune's direction but Jaune caught it with two of his fingers.


??: I did you sad disappointment.

It shows Jaune's former dad and behind him where his ex sister with their weapons out.

Nicholas: Son you brought dishonor Amongst the Arc family! Prepare to dye!

Jaune: Hehehehe HAHAHAHA!! Well then ningen if you want to kill me then you have to give it your all. *puts mask on*

Jaune: Because I'm not going to hold back! You will die here and now

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Jaune: Because I'm not going to hold back! You will die here and now.

Jaune: Because I'm not going to hold back! You will die here and now

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Rise of Jaune BlackWhere stories live. Discover now