Polnareff: Spy

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"The frog's been broken off from the group. Do I go in?" Awaiting a reply from HQ, you continued to look like you were minding your own business.
"Go." There was the signal. Strutting over to the reception desk, you deliberately shifted your weight onto one foot, faking a tumble. A pen fell off the desk, prompting your entry into his line of sight.
"Je suis... Vraiment desole!!" [I am... Really sorry!] Registering your voice, the silver haired man locked eyes with you for a second. "Oh, uhhh... en anglais....?" [in English?]
"S'il te plait, ne t'inquiete pas." [Please, do not worry.]
"Tu parle francais?!" [You speak French?]
"Oui. J'espere que tu ne t'es pas blesse." [Yes. I hope you did not hurt yourself.]
"Non. Merci. Bonne journee." [No. Thank you. Have a nice day.] Bowing graciously, you took your leave, sure you could remember his face. However, only the lift could be approached before the Crusader had caught up with you.
"Je n'ai jamais... Uhh... Pardonnez-moi, je parlais anglaise recemment... Nom... Votre nom." [I never caught... Uhh... Forgive me, I spoke English recently... Name... Your name.]
Shit. You should have saw this coming. Smiling lightly, you were going to use the first thing that came to your mind. "Magali Noel."
Had you actually just used a French actresses name? You fucking idiot!
"Ahhh, comme dans l'actrice? Quelle chance." [Ahhh, as in the actress? What luck.] Sweetly taking your hand in his own, he pecked it, the romantic act knocking you sick. "Je m'appelle Polnareff. Mais s'il vous plait, appelez-moi Jean-Pierre."

The room was empty, swirling round you nauseatingly.
"D'accord, j'ai une chanson..." [Alright, I have a song.] He left the table, striding over to the jukebox hidden in the far corner. A gentle piano began to play. You knew this one. A French classic from the year of his birth. All Over The World.
"Francoise Hardy... All Over The World."
"Ca me rappelle la maison." [It reminds me of home.] Scanning his open hand, his smile could light up even the dampest embers inside you. Showing no reluctance, you took it, accepting the dance.
"All over the world... People must meet and part..." His warm breath murmuring the words was comforting. "There's someone like me, feeling the pain in their heart..." The way his large hands held you, caging you within his grasp, it made you feel safer than ever before. It was as if he could provide protection better than you were being offered by the company. Like he wanted to. "Some may meet again... Under that same bright star..." The room was almost completely empty, save for the desk staff, who were round the corner anyway and couldn't see you. Bar staff were long cleared out, the bottles of wine finally finding their ugly way to your head. "If maybe some night, you come back from afar..." Each step was a little wobbly, but you truly felt right in his strong arms. Eyes shut, he heard your contented sigh.
Were you actually falling for him? This stupid French idiot? You were a spy, you couldn't even if you wanted to. Permitting the song the time to finish, a yearning hug was shared before you pulled away. "Here under that star, I'm wanting you to know, wherever you are... That I still love you so..."
"Jean-Pierre. Reste dans ma chamber ce soir." [Stay in my room tonight]
"Merci, c'est le meilleur moyen de passer ma derniere nuit ici." [Thank you, it is the best way to spend my last night here.] His reaction to your gasp was a gentle grasp on your chin. The empty shock on your eyes made him giggle, tilting them up to look directly at him. "Ca va aller, on se reverra." [It will be alright, we will meet again.]
Clearly the time had come. You had to kill him tomorrow morning. No, tonight. You had to do it now. Linking his arm, you couldn't help but feel like you were going to pass out on the way to your room. Eloping was no option. If you didn't finish the job, not only would you be dead, they would all be killed.
You couldn't understand. You had done this countless times over. What was it about him that was different? Why did you feel like this?
He had no family left. All taken too early. The same as you. But that couldn't have been it. Lots of your targets had no family. Maybe the guilt was just starting to pour in.
"Aha, there you are you lying bitchbag!"
"Whoa, whoa, Jotaro! What are you doing!"
Grabbed by the arm, your immediate reaction in your drunken stupor was to pull away and point a pistol at the boy's head.
"Good grief, there it is. Tell him the truth or I'll do it for you."
"Leave it out, Kujo. This has nothing to do with you."
"It definitely does."
"You speak English?!"
"She's a Stand User."
"What? You can't be serious. Have you been in on this?!" Polnareff was lost for words, staring at you in disbelief. That Kujo was a smart boy. Once you had heard about the 'evil spirit episode' it was no wonder you were sent to investigate. Come to think of it, you didn't really remember much before then. "Hey, Magali, say something damnit!!"
"My name isn't Magali. It's Y/N. Inspector Y/N."
"That's how I know Kujo. I was responsible for taking him in. Go on then, you beat me at my game. How'd you find out?"
"You're in love, aren't you? The one thing that Dio can't do. He can't erase it either, because it's an emotion within all humans. So when you began spending time with Polnareff, the emotion became stronger."
"Get off it. Anybody can fall in love."
"But Polnareff is special, isn't he? My Stand is accurate enough to stop a bullet, and spot a single fly in the darkness. Noticing a habit wasn't exactly hard. You

Action is same as incident, memories of pol from the incident
-meets later, witnesses turtle incident, keeps as pet

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