Boom Shakalaka Joestar Group

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Stumbling in to the hotel bar, both Joseph and Polnareff had totally overdone the drink. Abdul didn't drink alcohol, instead opting to remain in his room with Kakyoin, whilst Jotaro bid the other two goodnight and returned to join the other two. Anne must have been tucked in asleep now in her room, so the schoolboy just sauntered past, smiling to himself.
"Hey, how'd it go?" The young cherry redhead greeted him with a wave, as did the flame wielding Stand User.
"Alright, Jiji's pissed though. So's Polnareff." Pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers, Abdul sighed heavily.
"Mr Joestar better not keep me awake tonight."
"He'll pass out by the time he's done."
Slamming on the door startled them, a small figure flying through it. It was Anne, the stowaway girl.
"JoJo! JoJo!"
"What's up, half pint?"
"It's Mr Joestar and the French guy!" Exchanging glances, Kakyoin simply giggled a little. They were probably being asked to move the drunkards. Following her down in the lift, she didn't explain much further, only that there would be trouble. Around two floors below, a loud trumpet fanfare shook the lamp so much it flickered, stalling the transportation box. "Oh no, that's probably them..."

The scene presented to them was an absolute nightmare. Both the Frenchman and the Old Man

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