01 | The Spire

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"One of the Republic's greatest peacekeepers, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, is alive. She is being imprisoned unlawfully somewhere in the Stygeon system."

The words from the broadcast echoed through Lyarra Spainsrow's brain as she flew her Delta-7 Aethersprite-class starfighter into Stygeon Prime. It confirmed rumours she had been hearing for years. Rumours that had concerned her greatly.

It wasn't the fact that Master Luminara - who Lyarra was quite sure died years ago - was imprisoned that concerned her. It was the fact that surviving Jedi would now try to rescue her. The broadcast was a trap for those brave enough to come out of hiding to try and help one of their own. It was also a trap for those who would dare rebel against the Empire.

Typically Lyarra wasn't selfless enough to be called brave. She disliked the idea of tracking down other Jedi and helping them. Not because she didn't want to help. She just knew they were much safer apart. Too many force sensitives in one place made them easier to sense. It made it easier for the Inquisitors to track them down and execute them.

This was different though. The idea of Master Luminara inspired her fellow Jedi, as the Master was thought to be one of the Jedi Order's best. Lyarra could not let others die for an idea. Especially not an idea that she was quite certain was long-dead.

That, and Lyarra liked the feeling of the thrill that was to be produced by the challenge she was about to give herself.

There was only one prison in the Stygeon system. It was located on Stygeon Prime and was known as The Spire. It was near-impregnable, with the only entrances being docks located in the air. Yet, it was possible to get in. It had been done before and it was about to be done again.

Lyarra handed control of her starfighter over to her droid. She then climbed out of the fighter and stood on the wings, looking down at the prison below her.

It was quite the drop. If Lyarra miscalculated even slightly, she risked either falling in the path of a sophisticated weapons system that would surely blast her to bits, or onto spiky rocks. Either way, a miscalculation meant certain death.

Do or do not. There is no try.

With that last thought, Lyarra turned around and spread her arms out. She then let herself fall off her fighter and began plummeting towards what she was hoping was the dock she wanted to land on.

She kept her eyes closed as she fell. It helped her to sense what was around her and to prevent her body from picking up too much speed. It allowed her to sense when she was about to hit the dock, and stop herself just in time.

Lyarra reached out with the Force and stopped her body just before she could splat against the dock. She then let herself drop the short distance she had left and sat up. Then she gave a curt wave to the Stormtroopers, who were staring in disbelief.

"Sorry to drop in unannounced," Lyarra said, dusting herself off as she got to her feet. Looking at the blasters aimed at her, she continued, "Really? The threat of violence is no way to treat a guest. Even one as rude as myself."

Three Stormtroopers were nothing. Lyarra just had to reach out and clap her hands together, sending the bodies of the Stormtroopers flying towards each other as if they were dolls. All three collided roughly with each other. They then fell to the ground, very much unconscious.

For a moment Lyarra considered killing them. It would stop them from reporting her presence when they woke up. It would also send a clear message that the Empire had a threat within its walls. Yet, sparing them would send the same message.

It wasn't hard to pick the lock of the dock door the Stormtroopers had been guarding. She didn't even need to use the Force to do it. It only took a lock-pick and a few seconds of patience before the door slid open.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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