Chapter Fifteen

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"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is Emm...Emmerentia's health," Nathan replied, looking at Emma. "She has to return to the hospital where she escaped from."

Sean turned his sharp gaze on Emma.

"I did not escape, I...I left. Here I was thinking that this is a free country..."

"You can't just leave when you've been booked in. The staff are waiting to check you out. You could could die, but you don't seem to care."

"Emma!" A shocked Sean exclaimed.

"I...I was not the one that booked myself into Platinum Care, okay! Even the air in that place is expensive," Emma responded. "You can stand on your head, Doctor Adams, but I will not return to that place."

Emma folded her arms and held her head high, defiantly staring at Nathan.

Nathan smirked, if Emma thought that she was stubborn, well, he was no less. He took his phone out of his pocket.

Sean glanced between the two of them, feeling like something was amiss.

"Let's hurry up Sean, Bubbles can't be out here all day."

"No, Emma. Go back to the hospital. I'm man enough to bury Bubbles by myself, but if anything were to happen to you..." Sean trailed off.

"It won't. Anyway, I feel fine."

"I wonder if you'll feel so fine behind bars," Nathan quipped.

"What? I'm not a criminal to be behind bars."

"I don't think that Platinum Care's owner will agree with you when he finds out that you left without paying," Nathan said, a blank expression on his face.

Sean pulled Emma aside, staring at Nathan, he was trying to be private, but Nathan heard everything.

"Emma, don't argue, just go back to the hospital."
"Just go. Don't worry about the money, I'll figure something out."
"No, Sean. You can't kee--"
"Emma, this is not up for discussion. Go!"
"I'll take you to the hospital, and then bury Bubbles."
"Yeah, I'll get a few stuff before I go."

A few minutes later Emma and Sean came out of the house with a suitcase packed to the brim. Emma even had her own food and snacks. Nathan found it humorous, why did women always have to pack so many stuff? The hospital was hardly a place for dress up.


Emma hated the hospital gown that she was forced to wear. Whoever designed it did not care about the dignity of other people. She tried to take a towel to the theatre, but the nurses would not allow it. The fact that Nathan was in there, only made her feel worse. The anaestheticist and other medical staff were also present.

Hours later Emma woke up in another part of the theatre with Nathan sitting next to her, looking worried. She tried to get up, but was too drowsy and lay back down again. Nathan was hovering over her, and she had no energy to be petty, so she just closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. When she opened her eyes later on, she was in another room and it was pitch dark outside.

"Sleeping beauty is awake," it was the same nurse who thought that Nathan had feelings for her.

Emma was about to ask for water, when she remembered something. She placed her hands on her head, thinking that her hair had been cut.

"They did not perform surgery on you."
"I thought..."
"There was no need, the swelling had gone down and there was no visible damage, but you have to stay here for a couple of days, just to be on the safe side."
"Thank God," Emma whispered. "What time is it?"
"I've slept long."
"Yes, the anestaetic has that effect," the nurse said. "I have to go, but I'm sure that the dreamy doctor can't wait to have you all to himself."
"He's still here?"
"I doubt that he'll be going anywhere while you're here, but I hadn't told you which doctor..." the nurse smirked.

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