Chapter Thirteen

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*Warning* Violent Scenes Ahead.

"Emma?" He whispered.

Emma remained silent. She recognized that voice. The posh coloured english accent with the tiny Australian twang to it.

Would her suffering never end?

Nathan looked at the name on the file and opened it, sitting down on a seat next to Emma's bed. He was torn between studying her face and reading the contents of the file. The file won because he had to know the status of her injuries. A minute later he was even more frustrated, the swelling to her brain was bad, so bad that they could not operate untill the next morning.

"Why are you quiet, Doctor? Tell me! No-one here talks to me. I'm so scared," Emma whined.

Nathan could feel his throat clogging.

"Tell me what's wrong with me. Please," Emma begged.

"We will only know tomorrow, hopefully most of the swelling would be gone by then," Nathan answered in a flat tone.
"What if I don't"
"Be positive," he replied, interrupting her.
"It's easy for you to say," Emma answered bitterly. "You can do nothing for me, so you may leave."

Nathan turned on his heel, but stopped.

"Didn't you hear me? I want to be left alone."
"Who did this to you?" Nathan asked sitting back down.
"It's none of your concern, Doctor. Just mind your own business," Emma retorted.
"You are my business," Nathan replied, balling his fists.

"Doctor Adams, the general manager wants a word with you, of cause, after you're done here," the female nurse from earlier said.

Emma folded her arms over her chest.

"I'll be with him shortly," Nathan answered.
"Yes, Doctor Adams," the nurse said and left.

"Emma give me their names and I'll lay charges against them. Don't make things more difficult than it needs to be."
"My name is not Emma, it's Emmerentia. Only my friends and family have the right to call me Emma, so stay in your limits, Doctor Adams. I might just lay a complaint against you."
Nathan scoffed. "As you wish."

Emma was relieved to hear him exit the room, she was afraid that her tears might betray her if he stayed longer.


It was it evening visiting hours at Platinum Care Private Hospital, and Nathan was sitting behind a desk, in a corner office. He should have left hours before, but he did not want to. Well, he could not leave when Emma was in there fighting for her life, could he? How would he know if she... Nobody would think of calling him, they would just tell him the following day that the patient had expired. However, there was nothing he could do untill the morning, but it was of no use going to an empty Bed and Breakfast room, with thoughts of her haunting him. Nathan slammed his fists on the desk, letting out a groan.

He had to find out who did that to her, and make them pay. How would he know without her telling him?


Nathan's hired car came to a halt in front of Willemiena's home at nine that night. The black BMW drew quite a lot of attention, which he did not even notice, his eyes were on the broken windows in front of the house. The house also looked very different from how it used to look, it was extended in the front, sides and back, with a garage to boot.

"Excuse me," a man said. "Are you looking for someone?"
"Yes, is this Willemiena Malgas' home?"
"Yes, it is, but if I were you I wouldn't hang around here too long, it's dangerous."
"Thanks for the concern, mate, but I used to live in this place, I know what to expect."
"You used to, you don't live here any longer. Take my advice and cut your visit short," the man warned, walking away.

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