Part: 4

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He was hugging you more tightly which was giving you butterflies in your stomach and goosebumps all over your body, you were lost in your own world then jungkook spoke

JK: Hey baby! BTW are you jealous of that girl??!!::
Y/N: Yes, no, I mean why-----

She cut off

JK: Don't worry baby she is my sister and I said her to act. I love you and I'll never fell for someone else. Okay MRS. JEON!!

You were so happy when he said you MRS. JEON. But your expression changed when he turned you towards him and then he give a kiss on your forehead and run from there like a innocent baby. You were still making memories of what happened a minute ago after sometime you also come back to your class.


As you were on the hallway going to locker for keeping your things you put them. You were going again but suddenly sone girls come in front of you and started beating you. You weren't less so you also beat them you give them so many brusies but you don't have any.

When heartrob has a crush on you!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin