"Michael?" Luke called into pitch black room. He saw the jacket on the bed and knew it was his.

Michael was still scared. He knew it was Luke but he was still curled up in the corner completely terrified.

Luke walked in further and that's when he saw the broken boy by the dresser. Luke's heart dropped when seeing the state he was in. Michael stared at him sadly.

Luke walked over and Michael scurried away from him a bit causing Luke to stop in his tracks and frown.

"Michael I'm not gonna hurt you." Luke said and his heart broke slowly as he realized something really bad happened. By how Michael is acting, Luke deep down inside had an idea what happened.

Michael looked up at him and saw Luke reach his hand out and Michael hesitantly grabbed it and stood up.

"Are you able to walk?" Luke asked and Michael stared around confused. He wasn't sure. He was in a lot of pain and he didn't even know if he wanted to walk down through the crowd of drunk teenagers.

So he shook his head.

Luke picked up Michael bridal style and grabbed his jacket and put it over top of him.

Luke immediately carried him out of the room and out of the house to his jeep. He had Michael sitting on his lap while he drove to the hospital. Michaels wrist was really swollen and then something else happened..

Luke thought about how he found Rebecca and Ashton.


Luke rushed through the crowds of people and went through each room. He was outside for a moment and heard someone banging on a window.

He of course didn't think anything of it and just continued out threw the house until he got upstairs. He went threw each room not caring if people were getting it on.

He got to one room and stopped when he saw Ashton and Rebecca making out. Ashton pulled his shirt of his head and Luke slammed the door open

"What the hell?!!" He shouted and they pulled away both looking up alarmed

"Oh hey Luke." Rebecca said casually and then went to kiss Ashton again

"We are through." Luke snapped and Rebecca shrugged not caring at all. He rolled his eyes and slammed the door shut.

He stood there for a single second taking that whole thing in before shaking his head and walking to find Michael until he heard someone scream for help.

Luke pulled up to the hospital emergency room and ran with Michael in his arms.

"Help! He was raped." Luke shouted and Michael started sobbing when hearing that horrible word. Doctors rushed him onto a stretcher and he looked panicked and searched for Luke.

"Wait no I want Luke with me!" Michael screamed and fought with the doctors who tried to hold him down

"Michael I'll be here when you wake up!"

And then Michael was gone


4:30 am

That's what time it was.

Luke had tried staying awake but at times would almost fall asleep. Then he would wake back up again. He got text from friends asking where he was but didn't reply. He was to worried about Michael to care.

Broken Home ; mukeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ