Monkie boy return.22

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As Mk walked towards the town he thought to himself.

"Why?Why would he take Red?"

This was only going to make Mk hate him more.

Mk looked around for a bit but realized that it was going to be hard to find him so...


Mk had transformed back into his monkey self.
(🫴 Monkie)

A while back Macaque had taught Mk to Pin point sounds.

So that's what he did.

He tried to listen and hear Redson and Monkie king.

He tried to hear anything from the town.

He heard nothing.

He kept thinking to himself."Where would they be?!"

He was mad.He looked like a maniac walking down the streets looking around.

One place came to mind as he thought.

He slowly walked there.He was nervous.

Pigsy's noodles.

How could he even show his face there after running away?

Mk sighed as he opened the door.

The mood seemed...Off.

Everyone looked sad and gloomy.

The moment they heard the door open,all their eyes shifted towards it.

Pigsy:Shops closed toda-

They all were quiet.Confused for a moment,But realization then kicked in.

Mk:Do any of you know where Monkie king is?

Mei jumped and hugged Him.The rest followed behind her.

Mk:Seriously,Where's monkie king?
Pigsy:Kid,What happend?!
Mei:YOOO!!!You look like a monkey!!
Mk:yeah..It's hard to explain right now but can anyone tell me where Monkie king is?!
Sandy:Mk calm down.You need to relax.
Tang:Well he should be at flower fruit mountain like usually..
Mk:Good.Thank you.

Mk pushed everyone off him and headed for the door.

Mei:Mk!Where are you going?!
Sandy:You just got back..Again.You need to relax.
Pigsy:Kid..Talk to us.We miss you..

Mk looked down at the ground.

Mk:I am not,and never was kidnapped.
Tang:But monkie king said-
Mk:Screw him and what he said!!he lied!!
Mei:Mk..What's going on?

Mk turned around and walked out of the noodle shop.

The others went to go and stop him from leaving but Mk was already gone.(He used the staff)

Mk made his way to Flower fruit mountain.He was getting Redson back.

Redson woke up a while later.

Red:What the..WHERE AM I?!
Sun:Calm down..I'm not going to do anything to you.
Red:How should I be sure of that?!
Sun:Look.I just want Mk back.And I needed to take something he would come to get.Which you're his..Friend?So he would come get you.
Red:That's stupid.
Red:He's going to hate you more now.
Sun:Thats not true!!
Red:Geez..What did you even except him to do after he finds me?
Sun:I thought..if Mk came back he would realize he missed it here..
Red:Look.You can't force him to do anything,He's his own person.Yeah,he might not like you as much now,But YOU have to fix that.This isn't going to make it right.
Sun:but I miss him..I just wish he could understand how I feel.I was there for him..I slipped up one time!And now he hates me..
Red:More then once- But still,That's YOUR Problem.You fix it with him.Plus he's really stubborn..Which can be cute-

(he whispered that last part 🤭)

Sun: ...
Red:Will you let me go now?

Redson sighed and tried to light the ropes on fire but couldn't.

Sun:I put a spell on those.
Red:Of course you did.

It was quiet for a moment until Monkie king. Spoke out again.

Sun:What's your relationship with my kid?
Red:A uhm-Why do you ask?!
Sun:You two look at eachother in weird way.
Red:Is it that obvious..?
Red:Ah well..
Red:I,Redson,Am going out with the noodle boy.
Sun:Demon bull kings only child..And Mk?!
Red:He's a really good kisser-
Red:Not that long,But for sometime.
Sun:I'm going to have a talk with that kid!
Red:You should also untie m-

Redson frowned as Monkie king walked away.

Sorry this chapter is pretty short,I am a little stressed with my classes right now 😪

My teacher is switching my classes which means I'm basically losing the majority of my friends and the ones I just made.

Anyways,How are you guys doing?I can't respond but I like to hear about how you guys are doing!Good,bad,okay?Whatever it is,the comments are open!!

Have a good day/night Bû h byèéêëēėęe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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