"It's him, Mavis. He always had this powers, and Dr. Brenner was his doctor. Once Dr. Brenner figured out what he could do, he started making tests, naming him 001. His powers were starting to get too strong, so Dr. Brenner thought it was best to give him a chip so that he was contained, as he worked in the lab. After you left, he did try to help El, but he manipulated her into taking his chip off. Then, he killed everyone, except for her and Brenner. Him and Eleven fought, and she sent him to the upside down." Nancy explained.

"Wow, that was uh... a lot to take in in 30 seconds." I sighed. "So, what you're telling me is that the guy that basically made my childhood slightly bearable is now a supervillain that wants to kill us all? Great. That's just great." I scoffed as I felt my eyes burn.

Billy looked at me worriedly, and placed his hand on top of mine, trying to sooth me, since he didn't really know what to do.

I tried to keep myself together, but after a few seconds, I had to get out.

"I need some air." I said as I got up, making my way to Eddie's trailer's back door.

Of course, I was happy Billy was alive and I would like to spend every minute making up for the lost time, but after this information I just had to get away. I was sure Billy would be fine with them for a few minutes.

I don't think I ever felt so betrayed. After all, the friend I thought I had didn't exist, it was just a façade. Did he even care about me? I guess not.

"Hey." Eddie said as he opened the door. "Can I sit?"

"Sure." I nodded.

"You okay?" He asked once he sat down.

"Not really. I mean, all those years I spent mourning about him, and he was just planning to become a supervillain on another dimension." I told him.

"And that's okay. Everyone can understand why you needed a break. I mean, you did have two big shocking news in the span of two hours, so." Eddie said.

"Thanks, Eddie." I said smiling at him. "I, uh, wanted to speak to you." I told him.

"I know." He said nodding.

"I want to say sorry." I started. "I did start feeling things for you, and I did imagine us together eventually, but one of the reasons why I couldn't yet, was because I was still in love with Billy. Now that he's back, I just... I'm still in love with him."

"Mavis, that's okay. You don't, uh, need to explain yourself to me. Your boyfriend just literally came back from the dead, so." Eddie said understandingly.

"But I do need to explain, Eddie. I did and I do care about you, a lot. And maybe it's because I somehow saw some traits of Billy in you, or maybe not. All I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry I can't give it a chance to begin, but I'm not sorry it brought us closer. You're someone important to me, and I do want you in my life." I told him.

"Sounds to me, Henderson, like you're offering me a job as a second Steve." He said narrowing his eyes at me.

"But, you would be Eddie 1." I joked. "What do you say?"

"I say, you Hendersons are clearly all the same, to pick the same 2 guys as best friends." He said smiling.

"So, does that mean we're good?" I asked him.

"Better then ever. Now I don't have to be scared to mess it up." He said as we gave me a small hug.

"Huh... good point." I laughed.

My laughter died down as I heard someone clean their throats behind us. We both looked behind us and saw Billy with his arms crossed.

"They're calling for you." Billy told us.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐌𝐄 // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now