I glance at the clock; time is dragging even though it's busy, but I'm looking forward to tonight's visit from Clara. While I've made some connections with a few of the townspeople, I mostly keep to myself and these past months have been lonely.

If I didn't have the baby I'm sure I'd be in worse shape, mentally and emotionally more than I am. I talk to the baby often and I will never forget the first time he moved. I had been eating my usual nightly ice cream with my hand resting on my belly when a small jolt under my hand made me gasp.

It felt exciting, a little scary and also bittersweet. It made me wish I wasn't alone so that I could share my happiness with the person I miss everyday; Rico.

I dream about him almost every night; and I still cry thinking about our last conversation. I don't know if I'll ever see him again, but considering who he was—is, he's probably moved on. My breath catches at the thought and I rub my hand over my chest trying to ease the pain.

"Heartburn, sweetie?" Viola walks to the counter, handing me her check.


"Hurts like a son of a bitch, don't it?" Violet shakes her head, her blueish-gray hair moves with the movement. I chuckle listening to her; she has a mouth like a sailor, but I secretly love it. It reminds me of Rico and the guys.

I take her payment and the ladies say their goodbyes.

"See ya next Saturday, Nora!"

I sigh, watching them get into Olive's car. I scan the scenic view of the lake the cafe sits next to; even though it's lonely, it's very serene and beautiful here.

I spent most of the winter months secluded from everyone and everything. I hadn't intended to stay, but the 'HELP WANTED' sign in a cafe caught my attention while I was pumping gas, and I felt compelled to ask about the job.

Sal, didn't ask too many questions, and told me he'd pay in cash if I was willing to start right away. I stayed in a hotel for the first month, and then Sal offered a small studio apartment above the cafe that hadn't been used in years and I was welcome to it if I wanted it. I chuckle remembering when he told me he wouldn't charge me because it was a "shithole".

He wasn't lying, but I made it into a cozy little place to call home over the last several months.

Pia makes trips out here regularly to do check ups and has started coming every couple of weeks now that I'm near the end.

I've enjoyed being pregnant, but now it's getting uncomfortable to do anything. I can't get a full breath most of the time and I have to switch positions frequently to get comfortable at night.

"How the hell do you stay in business?" The guy I had taken an order from shouts at Crystal as she sets his food down. "You ain't getting a tip from me that's for damn sure. Bunch of nitwit, incompetent, cunts working here!" He continues to berate her. "Get your heads out of your asses!"

Sal storms out of the kitchen and walks up to the man's table. "Sir, your treatment of my staff will not be tolerated and I will ask you to leave if you continue to be disrespectful. We make our meals to order so there is a longer wait than what you may be used to. And while this is not an excuse we are short-staffed today, both in the kitchen and with the wait staff."

"That's not my damn problem; are you the owner?"


"The food is shit and I ain't paying."

The local sheriff, Hank, who was enjoying his usual Saturday breakfast, walks over to the confrontation.

"What's the problem here?"

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