I'm a time cop from the future

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When we got there we set everything up and we were ready. I looked around. My twin senses were tingling. He was here somewhere. I kept my head down hidden by my hat. And then there a scientist there as one of the judges. She was fun and wacky. And she told our teacher that she hadn't slept in 8 days. Are you sure you can judge do you want me to get you a cot? No I don't get out of the lab a lot I have a caffeine patch she told him it was her own invention that each patch was equal to 12 cups of coffee. You can stay awake for days with no side affects and then she screamed and focused. She reminded me of my grandma. She was always doing funky fun things. And it had been a year since I'd seen any of them. I was starting to get homesick but I couldn't go home when my brother hated me. But if my twin senses were going off he would be here and I kind of wasn't looking forward to seeing him if he was.

First up was a boy named Stanly who was dressed in a toga and his project was a volcano and the coach was there judging. Coach I'm surprised to see you here our teacher said. He asked him what qualified him to be a judge and coach said it was his gym. Which was valid. But there was an issue. The volcano was activated by a switch but the switch to make the lava flow wasn't working. So coach told him to take a lap around the gym. I think it was when we were entering and setting up. He was there. Why? How did he find me? Was he there for me? He would've had to have time traveled but I have the only one in existence. I saw someone familiar when we walked in. It looked like he was trying to see who we were or at least Lewis. In the meantime coach wanted Stanly to run around the gym doing 20 laps since his project had failed. I could only hope ours went just fine. And then as he did I saw someone I wished I hadn't and my senses felt stronger than they had in a year. But the person I saw was a tall man in a bowler hat. My brother and I called him Bowler hat guy because we didn't know his name. And his hat a name too. Doris. A hat our dad invented to help people. But it turned on him as we all know.

Next was Lizzie she had a fire ant farm and it only hurt her enemies. So they quickly moved along. Let's not make her jumpy in anyway. And then Lewis was taken under a table by none other than my brother. While I was busy waiting and watching hoping this would work. This area is not secure I heard a voice turn to Lewis. I wrapped my arms around myself a cold chill along my back and a sense of guilt. Why was I feeling guilty? He's the one that said he hated me that I wasn't good at science. That he never wanted to help me again. He should be the one that felt sorry not me. Sure I missed my family but if they were really looking for me if they really loved me they would've found me faster than this. Dad would've found a way. My dad was my best friend I missed him like crazy. I felt bad for running away but my twin said he hated me. Someone you share everything with. You're connected at the hip. Loves you no matter what. Not when they're being tortured even in a juvenile way with lots of laughter. The machine turned orange science is logical it doesn't do maybe it gets results results that get tested again and again feelings are not logical but when you're being tortured or you're upset the truth comes out.

The light turned orange. Not green because it was the truth not red because it was lie. Results were inconclusive. More tests had to be ran. But I could never get that chance. He wasn't gonna let me. And I refused to go home. As far as Lewis and Wilbur go he asked Lewis if he had been approached by a guy with a bowler hat. Lewis was confused Wilbur said he'd ask the questions. And so Lewis tried to leave. So Wilbur tried to convince him that he was a time cop from the future. Which hearing it out loud sounds crazy. He said he was there to protect him from a guy wearing a bowler hat. He told him he was a suspect in a robbery that he stole a time machine. Lewis was very confused. And that for some reason he was after Lewis. When Lewis asked why him Wilbur said he and the boys hadn't figured that out yet at HQ meaning Headquarters. I know what HQ means! Good you're a smart kid that will keep you alive for now just worry about your little science gizmo and leave the perp to us and by perp I mean..... I know what it means! On a side note do you know or have you ever known a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes and looks just like you?

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