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"I can't believe you're actually leaving," Suigetsu said as he helped Sasuke finish packing. He'd had a hard time choosing what to pack. He could bring as much as he wanted. Being an Uchiha came with certain perks, like private jets and people to carry your luggage if you wanted. Ultimately he decided against doing so.

"Well, I am so you'll have the place to yourself. If you even think about having sex on my bed with Kiba, I'll castrate you and you'll never be able to have sex again," he told him as he flipped through his closet. "Which red shirt do you like better?" he held up two shirts, making Suigetsu laugh.

"I'm pretty sure those are the exact same shirt, just in a little different shade of red," he told him. "Naruto's going to want to jump you the moment he sees you regardless, it really doesn't matter what you pack," he sighed. Sasuke could wear a paper bag and Naruto would tell him he's the sexiest man alive. It was truly disgusting how in love they were, which only reaffirmed many people's belief that soulmate bonds meant people were meant to be together. They were like the poster boys for soulmates. Suigetsu was pretty sure that the two didn't notice the way people talked about them every day, or if they did then they didn't care. They noticed the big moments, like when they reunited or his father's announcement, but not the small every day comments. He'd lost count of the number of times he'd seen or heard people say, 'If your soulmate doesn't look at you the way Naruto looks at Sasuke then you need a new soulmate.'

"They aren't the same," Sasuke argued, but the more he looked at them the more he realized that they were probably the same shirt. The majority of his closet was jeans and v-neck t-shirts. Most of the jeans were black and the t-shirts were generally black, red or dark blue. He had a small section of going out clothes and jackets, which he'd already packed. He didn't bother with pajamas, knowing they probably wouldn't get much use. Considering he was going to be with Naruto every night, he'd probably either end up naked or in just his boxers, which as perfectly fine with him.

Once he was done packing, Suigetsu surprised him by pulling him into a hug. "I'm actually going to miss you," the light haired man told him. The hug wasn't long, but it made Sasuke smile a little.

"I guess I'll miss you a little," he told his best friend. "Just tell me if you and your whatever he is wants to come to a concert," he saw a text pop up on his phone letting him know the driver was there.

"Boyfriend," Suigetsu corrected him with a smile.

Sasuke smirked, "About damn time." His phone started to ring, making him roll his eyes. He knew it was his driver telling him to come down. "I gotta go, but we'll talk later."

"Text me when you land," Suigetsu called out to him as the man left.

It didn't take Sasuke very long to get to the airport, but it felt like forever. He was ready to see Naruto, though the blond would be rehearsing when he landed and the blond had forbidden him from coming to the rehearsal. He told him he had a surprise, which just made him more anxious. His phone rang in the car and he smiled when he saw Naruto's face pop up, "Hey, baby."

"You're on your way tot he airport, right?" he asked like an excited child. It was no secret how excited the blond was to have Sasuke join him.

"I'm getting out of the car now," he told him as he opened the car door to be met by flashes of cameras. He just rolled his eyes as his staff pulled his suitcases out of the back. He never understood the public's fascination with him. He was just one of the Uchiha's sons, which was really nothing special in his book. Yet, people were interested in every little piece of his life, as if it were somehow glamourous.

"I can hear that," Naruto chuckled, hearing the noise in the background. He had a few minutes before he had to go to rehearsal and wanted to spend it talking to the other man before Sasuke got on his plane. "I'm sorry that I won't be there to pick you up."

Sing Through Your Memory (NaruSasuNaru)Where stories live. Discover now