1-First day

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Ugh. Why do I have to leave my school? My mom got a letter saying I "need to be there" and some other shit. She didn't even tell me why I needed to be there. My friends wanted an explanation why I had to leave, so did I but again, my mom didn't tell me.

I'm sooo gonna miss my friends. It's so unfair!

I set my alarm for 7, but I felt a hand, slap my arm. I jerked up and saw my brother Leo.

Oh yeah, I have a twin called Leo who's also going to this weird new school.

"God! What's wrong with you?!" I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Leo grinned, mischeviosuly.

"You need to get up!" He said. I looked at the alarm clock across the room.

"Its 6 in the morning!" I yelled and threw my face back into my pillow. "And this new school is an hour-long drive"  I sat up "how are we gonna get to school every morning if its an hour long drive?"  "You don't know?" He asked, I shrugged my shoulders "it's a boarding school,sis, were gonna practically live there"

"WHAT?!?" I screamed "I HAVEN'T PACKED!!!"  "Yeah, mom realized that and packed all your stuff for you"  "So, were both gonna live away from mom, dad and all our friends?!??"  "Pretty much!" Leo grinned


This new schools gonna be pure bullshit.Why do I have to be away from my mom and best friends!!!

I ran downstairs, of course, lazily seeing as it was wayyyy to early.

"Have you fully packed, you don't wanna leave anything!" My mom said worridly "yes!" I said "and brought my suitcases downstairs"  my mom kissed my forehead "good!"  "Your breakfasts ready" she said and handed me a plate with some pancakes.


I finished up my breakfast and ran back upstairs. I looked into my wardrope, empty, except my favourite red hoodie and black jeans with my red converse. So I changed into that and put my hair in a high bun with a red scrunchie.I packed up my backpack with my phone, earphones, gum and my purse with some loose change.

I grabbed my back pack and ran back downstairs. I said bye to my mom and ran out the door. My bus wasn't for about 20 minutes, but I walked into the town centre early to get some coffee before my bus.

I tried to think of the people I knew going to this new school. A new girl moved into my neighbourhood called Libra and we both went for a coffee at Starbucks and met these people at the table beside us, we got to talking and apparently they're also going to this school. They're names are Taurus, Leo, Gemini and Aquarius, so maybe all of us could be friends.

Libra was also talking about her best friend Sagittarius, I haven't met her but apparently, according to Libra, she's really nice.

So that's Libra, Taurus, Leo,Gemini and Aquarius, then also maybe Sagittarius out of 12 people, I know almost half the people, going to my school!

This made me feel so much better, I was petrified it took me ages finding friends in my own school, now I have to start this new school. I got butterflies in my stomach, and coudln't tell if it was excitement or nerves. I think, probably both.


I looked at my phone. Notifications wouldn't stop going through!!!!

I turned it on silent, but then, giving in, I looked at my snaps. Mostly streaks but a few messages from people I met over the summer. I think it's good that I know more people, that way it'll be easier to make friends, I guess.

I opened a message from Sagittarius

Hey, save me a seat on the bus xx

I put my phone in my bag and walked to the bus stop. The bus was completely empty, I guess that means I can save more seats for my friends.

I found 2 seats facing another 2 seats, and the same at the other side. I sat down, silently and looked out the window.

I was so nervous starting this new school, what if people didn't like me? At least I've got Sagittarius who's been my best friend since I was 5, we met in preschool. We both started playing with the Lego and kept talking to each other, best friends ever since. And I've got these new people I've met, I don't really know them yet, but one is my next door neighbour, she should actually be on the bus any minute. And these other people we met in Starbucks. I don't know them yet, really, I mean just coz we were talking together doesn't exactly mean were gonna be friends this year. I'm just relying on Sagi.

I saw Cancer run onto the bus. "Omg, I can't believe I almost missed the bus!" She ran up to me, with a coffee in her hand, which made my mouth water.

She jumped up beside me, and we started chatting for ages, till we got to other stops, Gemini and her best friend Aquarius and Gemini's brother Leo all sat across the isle thingy in the bus.

I saw a blonde figure walk onto the bus, listening to her music. I jumped up "SAGI!"


I heard someone call my name, I looked up and saw Libra standing up, I felt like I hadn't seen her in forever, when I was told about this new school I was really scared but when I found out that Libra would be there my nerves completely went away.

I ran up to her and hugged her. She was surrounded by strangers. Weird. When we were young the 2 of us were best friends with no one else what's up with all these people?

"Oh, Sagi, this is my new neighbour Cancer, and this is Aquarius, Gemini and Leo" Libra explained  "hey!" I said and sat across from Libra. I set my suitcase down beside me, because Cancer and Libra were sitting together across from me.

I saw Leo wave to someone. I looked behind me and saw a boy standing behind me

"Hey guys" he said "do you mind moving, or moving your suitcase?"

I realized he was talking to me "sorry?" I asked "it's fine"  "I didn't really mean it like- umm, Libra do you know this guy?"  "This is Taurus" she said  "jeez, it's fine sorry for asking you to move your suitcase...." he said and sat beside Leo

Can you believe this guy?!? He's here 2 seconds and asks me to move when I only got here about 5 minutes ago, and I'm talking to my best friend and he interrupted!!! Rude!

At least these other people Libra's  friends with seem okay.

Hey everyone! Just so you know I'm not gonna make every chapter like this, each character is gonna have their own chapter this is just kinda like an introduction to what everyone's like!

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