Chapter 2 - Confusion

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(Danny POV)
I don't remember much after the amulet flew into my core. All I remember is falling.

How I began falling? I have no idea.

When I opened my eyes all I see is trees and grass. What happened? Where am I? I looked around but nothing was familiar anymore.

Why couldn't I just listen to Dora?

I got up and began walking. When I heard a small clinking sound. I looked down and see the amulet that Lyn was holding earlier. It was stacked to a small black chord that was now looped around my neck and no longer glowing. But the weirdest part is that the amulets color changed to a dark red.

I tried to get the pendant off me but no matter how much I tried it wouldn't budge. It was as if the chord got smaller the closer I am to getting it off.

After giving up of the stupid thing I decided to continue to keep walking. Not really sure where I'm going, I picked a random direction. Believing that as long I I kept moving I am bound to find some form of civilization... right?


After walking for hours, to the point that the sun is starting to go down, I have not found a single trace of other people.

Wait a minute... I still have ghost powers! And no one is around, unfortunately, so there is no risk of me being seen.

Feeling dumb that I didn't think of this earlier I changed into my phantom form. As the rings manifested around my waist and separated, the moment they touched the pendant around my neck I felt something is extremely wrong.

I felt the red stone absorbing some of my ghost powers and burning itself into my chest. The amulet then pushed an unknown power into me and I felt unbearable pain within all of my mussels. For a few moments all I could see is white and all I could hear is my own blood curdling scream.

Slowly I began to hear my own voice become mixed with something else. A lows rawr, unlike any animal I have heard of before. With that sound I blacked out, the pain to much to bear.

The night was quiet for the dragon trainers on the edge. The night terrors we're keeping watch on the border and all the young Vikings who live on the island were asleep. Well... except for one.

(Snotlout POV)
Dumb Hickup, making me go on night patrol. I'm mean sure, a little prank with the twins went wrong and it blew up the dragon stables. But did he really have to make us go on night patrol for an entire week?! I mean, it's not like there is going to be anything out here at this time of night!

Anyway it's me and Hookfangs turn to patrol and it's as boring as I knew it was going to be. We have spent hours looking at the surrounding islands and ocean only to find... nothing. Absolutely nothing. Literally anything would be better than this.

We were approaching the final island that we needed to check before this stupid punishment would finally end. When we see the smoke of a campfire.

Great... just great. I thought I FINALLY could get some decent sleep, but there just HAD to be something that will make me stay out here longer.

Not wanting to stay out in this cold a second longer then necessary, I nudged Hookfangs neck in a way that will let him know to flame up.

Like all Monstrous Nightmares, Hookfangs body became completely engulfed in flame. Except for the saddle around the back of his neck of course. Me and Hiccup trained him to do this so I don't catch on fire to.

Flying in with a hundred pounds of pure, flaming, muscle. Hookfang shot a few warning blasts around the campfire in order to scare the trespassers away.

Shouts of alarm sounded through the camp and as me and Hookfang flew around for another attack I noticed that it is a small Dragon Hunters camp.

Oh no, no hunter is going to sneak in on my watch.

As Hookfang readys another shot, a steel net flew out of nowhere and caught Hookfangs wing and tail. Making us fall out of the sky. As my head hit the ground, I knew that my helmet didn't protect me this time.

The last thing I heard before loosening consciousness, was Hookfangs cry for help.

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