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☆ミ ☆彡

MAX WATCHED AS CHALLAN DANCED AROUND HER LIVING ROOM, ballet slippers adorning her feet. With the start of the summer, Challan's dance classes were put on pause so that the kids could get a break, although some of them took optional summer classes. Challan welcomed the break. Although she wasn't physically in class, that didn't stop her from practicing at home.

Challan was in the process of coming up with a plan to ensure that she would make it to every single one of her dance classes so that Mrs. Durand would see that she was taking her dancing seriously and consider her for a lead part in next year's ballet recital. She loved dance more than anything and that would probably never stop and she wanted a chance to challenge herself and maybe, if possible, get a scholarship to a dance academy.

It was probably unlikely that Mrs. Durand would give her the lead in the ballet, even if the woman considered her the best dancer in the class (which Challan wasn't sure she did). They didn't live in a time where people wouldn't have an issue with a Black girl as the lead in a ballet. But she would still try, even if it was in vain.

Max would never get bored of watching her girlfriend dance. It was becoming one of her favorite things. She was extremely talented and wished she could show her off to the world but she also wanted to keep Challan to herself, though she'd never be so selfish. Challan was always so happy when she danced and Max loved seeing the girl happy. She deserved to be happy.

When Max had met Challan, the shorter girl was different to how she was now. Challan was a lot more comfortable around Max and the party now, she was happier, opening up more, and just in a better place. Challan's parents noticed a positive change within her too and they owed it all to Max. The redhead would never take credit for it though, she'll just happily sit back and watch her girl blossom.

Max had also changed a lot, thanks to Challan. She was a little more open, more trusting, she was beginning to feel comfortable talking about her feelings with Challan although it was still difficult for her. Extremely difficult. Max was trying to get better at opening up but the mere thought of doing so scared her shitless. And when she would try, the fear would come and she'd just shut down. And sometimes, which was becoming more frequent, she would just disappear for a bit, leaving a confused Challan wondering what she had done wrong.

Despite this, the redhead was also a lot happier, especially when she was with Challan (but she wouldn't tell her that) and maybe the party too (again who she wouldn't tell). Challan's niceness was rubbing off on her a little too although, she could still be mean to the boys.

Both girls were growing and evolving slowly, but surely, for the better. They learned from one another and bettered each other. They were both grateful to know each other, Challan probably more than Max for obvious reasons.

𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑, max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now