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THE EARLIEST RECORD OF THE EXISTENCE OF WITCHES is in the Bible. The book of 1 Samuel, thought be written between 931 B.C. and 721 B.C. to be exact. This tells the story of King Saul who sought the Witch of Endor in order to summon the dead prophet Samuel's spirit to help him defeat the Philistine army. This is a story Challan Logan had heard once and to her it was just that, a story. People tell stories all the time.

For example, have you ever heard stories where in small towns, there was a family of witches? Everyone in town would think that that the members of that family were witches but would never have any proof. And when bad things would happen in said town, that family would be accused of cursing the town and all of its inhabitants. Those stories are almost never true. This story wasn't true. But unfortunately for Challan, nobody in Hawkins, Indiana cared about the truth. So the lies about her family, about them being witches, worshiping satan, and sacrificing animals and children, yeah those lies, they weren't true. Far from it. But of course, nobody was going to believe the Black family that kept to themselves and did nothing except be Black in a small town. And so, the rumors of the Jacksons being witches and evil stuck all those years later and Challan was still stuck suffering from the aftermath. Why anyone would believe those rumors was beyond her. But Hawkins was a small town with small minded people that would believe anything.

Challan found her safe haven in ballet. She loved to dance more than anything. It's true when people say dance is a good way to express yourself and let out any negative feelings. She had a lot of negative feelings to expel. When she was younger, she had hoped that she would be able to make friends in her dance companions, seeing as her classes were in the next town over and none of them would know of the witch thing. But even though no one knew about it, none of the other girls wanted to be her friend. She wouldn't understand why until she was a little older. She had to come to terms with the fact that she would probably never make friends.

Two feelings bubbled up within Challan when Maxine Mayfield moved to Hawkins: excitement and dread. It could go two ways for her: either Max would become a new source of torment once she discovered the dangerous lies that plagued Challan's family, or, Challan might finally make a friend. Unbeknownst to her, becoming friends with the redhead might not have been as good as it sounded. Hawkins, Indiana was not what it seemed. And Challan would soon find that out the hard way. Maybe remaining friendless would've been better.

S T A R R I N G. . .

aka the 'witch'


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𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑, max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now