Happy Birthday

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Villa's POV:

With him behind me, his hand on mine, we cut the cake with a wider smile on our faces.

"Who took this photo?" he whisper in my ear.

"Alex did," I blushed.

"I think we should frame it, what do you think?" 

and I nodded.

"Do you remember in the lift, we met this Japanese couple,"

"Yeah," I looked at him.

"You know what did they say?"

"You didn't tell me back then," I stared at him.

"She said, you, my girlfriend is very pretty and I told her that you're not my girlfriend, and you know what she said?"

"Trust me, she's the one. Protect her, you have to take care of her otherwise you'll lose her."

"Thank god, I didn't lose her." he kissed my cheek.

"Cut the cake and get a room already!" Someone said and we both blushed. we cut the cake.

 I looked back and smiled. A few flashes of the camera went off. After the cutting, everyone drank, everyone had dinner and soon they all left.

It was just me, Ashton, Alex, lily and victoria. Victoria's boyfriend left due to urgent work and Vicotria was fully drunk. 

We were projecting some of our memories on the white wall. Photos I clicked from japan, Bali, and every other place.

"I would like to tell you something,..." I stood up. The last slide of the projector was the photo of my pregnancy test but suddenly the projector went blank. I saw victoria unattached my phone from the projector and was linking her own.

"Victoria?" I called her.

"I would like to tell you something too, Ashton."

"This is for you,"

Suddenly a picture of two girls, sitting on a bench was displayed. I frowned. It was time square. This picture felt awfully familiar. Oh, that was me and the lady I met at time square. It was my birthday. My first birthday in new york, America.

"I found who killed your sister!" she suddenly stated. I frowned and chuckled. 

"Wow, she's drunk!" I mumbled. I turned to Ashton. Ashton and Alex both stood up with shocked expressions.

"Ashton, the villa was the last person who talked to your sister and she was the one who told her to end her life."

The situation suddenly got serious. I looked at their faces as they stared at me and the photograph displayed.

" You're drunk, I don't even know his sister."

"Villa, is that you?" Ashton asked with his eyes broken. He looked like he was gonna cry any moment.

"Yes, that's me but  don't know what you all are talking about!" I gulped.

"You met my sister?" he asked.

"That lady?" I pointed at her in the picture.

"I swear, I didn't know her. Plus I didn't tell her to kill herself." I went near to Ashton.

"And first of all, your sister was killed in an accident, isn't that right?" I looked at Alex. He shook his head.  Why was I having this feeling that something bad was going to happen?

"What do you remember?"

I tried to remember what happened that day. I told them every detail.

That Day at Times Square

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