Chapter 2 : 12 boys

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I'm very sorry for the last chapter that I wrote.
And in this story I'm still using the 12 boys. Sorry for making you all waiting for my update.

Jessica POV

First time I see the class I'm very shock for a while and start for daydreaming for a second, suddenly I stop my daydreaming because someone is throwing a ball of paper to my face. I grab that ball " who is throwing this damn paper to my face !" I said angrily. Someone shout not far away from me. " who throwing that damn paper to you is me !" He said and show himself in front of me. "You.. why you suddenly throw that thing to me. Hah ? " I said in the harsh way. " that paper is slipped from my hand and I just joking to throw at you don't be mad newbie." His said with that smirk in his face. "What ever !! I don't want to make myfirst day is ruin by you. And I have a name my name is jessica " I yelled. " Hey.. you ! How can be you can talk to me like that! Do you know who am I ?" He said angrily. " No I don't know you at all . Who were you ? " I said and chuckles.

When I talk to him so harshly , my warm smile suddenly disappear. Because of this class situation, it's different. That noisy class disappear for a while because of my question. I suddenly ask someone " ehm.. excuse me can you tell what happen here ?" I said to the cute girl that stand infront me. " You seems you don't know him. He is Xiumin the popular guy in this school. When I hear you that you don't know him I very surprise " she said towards me. " now you know my name right. Newbie don't even dare to talk to me like that " xiumin smirk and go to his seat.

When xiumin go to his seat, I see kyungsoo besides me his face is different that before we met in the hall. His smile and laugh suddenly dissapear when xiumin walk towards me. "What the hell happen in this state? What's wrong with kyungsoo? But whatever is none of my bussiness at all." My heart said . "Kyungsoo-yaa.. kyungsoo-yaa.. are you okay ?seems you have some problem that bother you. Am I right ? " I said nicely and smile towards him. "Ahh.. jessica you shock me a little bit.. but I'm really okay and let's go .. I have to introduce you in front of the class." Kyungsoo said and chukles to me.

Kyungsoo shouted in the class that he want to introduce me " okay guys today we have a new transfered student. I hope you can help her studies in this middle term." , he whisper "okay now you're turn to introduce". " Hello everyone choneun jessica imnida. I hope we can be friends." I said awkwardly. "Okay jessica you can seat there behind my seats." Kyungsoo said and point to the chair.

I straight toward to the chair and sit on it . " you are jessica am I right" someone said to me." Ah.. ne choneun jessica . Who are you by the way ?" I asked her." Choneun wendy imnida I'm your seatmate. By the way do live in this school dorm ?" Wendy ask and smile. " Yes.. I live in this school dorm." I replied. "What room number that you staying ?" Wendy asked curiously. " 256. Why so you ask ?" I said. " we have the same room. Cause yesterday the guard dorm told me that I have a new roomates. That's why I asked you jessica" she said and holding my both hand cheerfully. "Today from now we gonna be best friend right ? " I said cheerfully too. "Of course chinggu yaa. Your act is very brave girl.. I never see a girl who can dare to say that words to xiumin" wendy said and applause for me. " Jinjja ? Jeongmal ? So I'm the reckless one. Who can talk to him like that! Wah.. Daebak! " I said and a little bit shock and proud to myself. " You seems want to know them well don't you ? I will tell you about their groups." Wendy said and ask to me. " Really you gonna tell me about their group? Gomawo jinggu yaa " I said in a deep happiness. " So.. you already know about xiumin and Kyungsoo am I right " wendy said and I just repplied her wirh a nodded. When she gonna tell me about their group the history teacher came. "Ahh.. can you wait until the break time ?" Wendy said and her face is very dissapointed. " Yes, I can after this lesson okay " I said to her and smile.

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