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The two men slid into the car. Goosebumps rose as their backs like tiny mountains as the skin came in contact with the cold, leather seats. The bearded figure grappled with the keys and shoved them into the ignition. In the passenger seat, the companion shoulders shook but it wasn't because of the running. It was the pure gush of excitement that flooded his body. The shrill ringing of an alarm pierced the air and the car groaned loudly before thrusting forward.

"Damn it, Jack, I told you to disable the entrance alarms!"

"I did, if you didn't have such a long beard, the alarm wouldn't have gone off in the first place. Maybe you should get a trim, Hagrid."

Harold's fingers drummed against the steering wheel and constantly snuck in glances. "What if they wipe the place down for fingerprints? Didn't you take off the gloves while counting the cash? I look nothing like Hagrid. Stop calling me that!"

"Chill, Harold. I took care of everything. Don't worry your pretty little head about a thing." Jack snickered and smirked to himself. You could say he had a hard on for trouble. "This has been our greatest heist yet."

"This has been our only heist. I never would have done this."

Jack hummed and he flicked through the bills. "I always worked in the back of the store but I expected them to have much more cash than this. It's not even half our rent."The shrieks of the sirens were long gone now.

"Jack, what did you even plan to do with the cash?"

"Maybe you could use it to pay for your overdue bills. That is unless you want the collection agencies on your ass."

Harold swerved the car and the car jumped all around as the wheels mounted the bumpy road. "I'd rather not," he replied. His voice trembled along with the car which rocked side to side as if a violent wind was toying around with it. "It's not my money to take. Besides, it was your idea. It's your money."

His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. Though Jack and Harold had known each other for four years, it' felt like a hundred. Over their four years in college, Jack had lent massive amounts of cash. Harold was never absolutely sure where Jack did get the money. When he asked, all Jack said was that he had this ways.

"Suit yourself. You don't even need to pay me back with money, you know. There are always little favors you could do."

"Jack, your favors are all trouble. I'd rather pay money than do another favor. During that last favor..."

Jack sat up a little taller and licked his lips. "That was an accident. It didn't mean anything."

"If you say so. Where are we going this time? It's only a matter of time before the cops get onto us again. They must have taken down our license plate number."

"That's why we parked under away from the streetlights. Like I said, I've taken care of it all. Turn here."

Harold huffed as he accidentally missed the narrow street. It could barely be seen and the sign had been knocked over to the side. It was clinging to a nearby tree for dear life. Both drivers lurched forwards as the car stopped. He jerked the gear stick forward to reverse.With one smooth move, he circled the car around and entered the narrow street.

"Maybe I should drive."

"We've already discussed this Jack. Now tell me where we're going."

Harold stole a glance at Jack. A devious smile edged into his face and Harold's skin crawled.

"You might not like it, Hornrold."

Harold took one off the wheel and leaned over to the side just far enough to whack Jack. Instead of howling in pain, Jack chuckled. Harold composed himself and gritted his teeth.

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