Chapter 12

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After I let Sparrow go, I just stood there in silence. Shocked. Crying. Furious. Furious about Zelena. Furious that I didn't tell her sooner. Was she ever going to talk to me again? Would she forgive me? I put my hands in my face and let myself just cry. I wanted to go find Sparrow. To talk to her. To explain everything but I knew she was too upset at the moment... I hopped back on my horse and grabbed Sparrows horse, Grace, and led them back to the stables. Well this day didn't go as planned I thought. After I settled the horses back into their stalls I made the long walk back to the castle. Oh I know I shouldn't but I REALLY need to talk to her. I eagerly made my way back to my room to see if she was there, but she wasnt. I checked the balcony next and then the bathroom. Where can she be? I asked myself. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Regina? Can I come in? I saw Sparrow upset running to the library. The library! "Oh." I sighed as I sat down on the bed. Snow gingerly made her way over and sat next to me. "Wanna talk about it?" I rolled my eyes and thought No! Not with you. Although I hated to admit it, Snow was slowly growing on me. Even though we had a past and she was very annoying, she was the only person I had to talk to. "I'm guessing you told her and it didn't go over too well?" She said. "Oh it's more than that. Get ready for this."

After about thirty minutes or so trying to tell her what happened, she kept interrupting, Snow stood up. "But how did she know you were her mother? How did she even know you haven't told her?"
"I suspect she has known all along that she's my daughter. Maybe when she took her in, she had already known and was waiting for the perfect moment to hurt me. Which she did! She has been spying on me for years. She's definitely been doing it while we've been here." I then started pacing the room. "God I should have told her the minute she started opening up to me." I said on the verge of crying again. "Hey! Don't do that. We both know she was not in the head space to be told something like that so soon. Anyway, im sure Zelena still would have pulled the same crap somehow. Are you sure you didn't do anything to her in the past? She sure seems hell bent on destroying you." I quickly snapped my head towards her, "Im sure! I think I would remember if I had a green sister let alone do anything to her to cause all of this chaos. She's been watching me for god knows how long and is probably jealous of whatever life she thinks I had." "Can you do anything? Put some spell over the castle to stop her from doing it anymore?"
I thought for a minute,"I'll have to do some research on spells. Im sure there is something." I said sitting back down on the bed and sighing. Snow looked over to me, "I know what you're thinking. She doesn't hate you Regina. The way all of that came out, she just needs some time. I've seen the way she is around you. I'm sure she will listen." She said as she was walking to the door. "Do you want me to go talk to her for you?"
"No, give her some time. I'll attempt to talk to her later...." And with that Snow took her leave.

By the time I emerged from the cubby, night had fallen. I was tired, hungry, and my body was exhausted but I wasn't ready to go up to Regina's bedchambers. I knew Regina. She would be up there waiting for me and I wasnt ready to talk to her. My mind then went to Grace and I hoped Regina had put her away. I left in such a hurry that I didn't even think about her. Whenever I needed someone to talk to throughout my life, there was always a horse who would listen. Maybe that's why I loved them so much. Gentle giants. I decided that I would go to the stables for awhile.
I peaked outside the library door to make sure I wouldn't get stopped by anyone. Along the way I saw a lantern and snagged it. It took awhile to make it to the stables because my ribs were killing me. But once I saw Grace peacefully in her stall, it was worth it. She poked her head out for me to pet,"Hey girl." I said petting her muzzle. She let me rest my face against hers and as I did I saw a bucket of carrots and some horse brushes. I pulled away from Grace to look at her,"If I give you some carrots and brush you, can you lend a listening ear girl?" She nudged my face and it was like she almost smiled. "Thanks." I said as I walked over to grab them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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