Special guest

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It was a peaceful day at TAPOPS 'surprisingly'. Our hero Boboiboy was in his room with Gopal, reading about power sphera. 'Boboiboy aren't you bored reading about power sphera' said Gopal looking at Boboiboy. 'Gopal how are you gonna be able to save power sphera without knowing about them first' said Boboiboy to his friend. Gopal was gonna reply to Boboiboy but they got a call from Commander Kokoci.

'Cadets, report at the main control room right now ' Commander Kokoci said. 'Roger Commander ' both boys said getting up from the place they were sitting at.

They were walking down the hallway when they saw Yaya and Ying coming.
'Do you guys know why Commander called us?' asked Yaya. 'No idea' was the answer she got from Boboiboy. They continued walking and met Fang.

They reach the main control room and saw that Admiral Turang was there along with Admiral Maskmana. 'What happened Commander, why did you call us?' Fang asked the Commander. 'Is everything ok?' Boboiboy asked worriedly.

'Don't worry everything is ok' answered the Commander. 'Then, why did you call us here?' Gopal asked. 'We called you here because there is an important announcement. 'Important announcement about, what?!' Ying asked.

'There is a special guest who's coming from Laskar Station to train you' Maskmana said. 'Who?' Yaya asked confused and curious. 'That is a surprise' Commander Kokoci said. 'Now you all go back ' Admiral Turang said.

All of them did the TAPOPS salute and went back. 'Who do guys think the special guest may be?' Yaya asked. 'Well as much as I know the special guest may be a Commander, Captain or an Admiral' Fang said. Ying noticed that Boboiboy was thinking something and not paying attention. 'Boboiboy what are you thinking ' Ying asked. 'Huh!' Boboiboy broke out of his chain of thoughts. And saw his friends looking at him for an answer. 'Ooo! Nothing I was just thinking who the special guest might be' Boboiboy said scratching his non-itchy cheeks. 'Don't worry Boboiboy we'll find out tomorrow who this special guest is' Gopal said. 'Yea! Your right' Yaya said. Then they all went their separate ways.

"Someone from Laskar Station, I just hope it's not him," Boboiboy thought as he went back to his room.

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