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Sorry for not posting anything lately, I was struggling with the cover and title of this book, then I went on vacay for a week, and then I had quite a struggle with the POV's- Anygays,

Langa POV
I was just waiting at the usual metal pole for Reki. It wasn't really a special place, just the first recognisable point where our ways to school crossed. I saw Reki nearing in the distance and held up my hand. He skated right past me.
He stopped and turned around. 'Oh, hey Langa. Sorry, I was distracted...'
'It's fine, let's go.'
We skated alongside each other, but where we usually chatted, there was now silence, both lost in our own thoughts. I didn't know what Reki was thinking about, but I was thinking about what just happened.

Last time Reki skated past me because he was distracted, it ended up in us fighting and not talking for a week. I looked at him, his hair moving in the wind, staring ahead of him, mouth slightly moving. I focused on that. He was singing to himself.
'What're you singing?'
His head snapped towards me. 'Huh?'
'You were singing.'
He looked ahead again. 'Oh... I didn't notice.'
'What song was it? It sounded nice.'
'Oh, just a random song which has been running through my mind for a few years.'
'Wow, you must really like it if you haven't been able to get rid of it for years.'

He smiled slightly. 'Yeah... Yeah, I like it.'
Why did he say that as if he was doubting it? Weird.
'Could you sing it for me?'
'Sure. Just a warning, I don't have the best voice.'
He took a few deep breaths and began to sing ever so softly.

'In other words, I was trapped in curiosity
Breaking through anything precious
A whole cake with no radiance
I was dancing with a wooden puppet of you.

Once again, in the closet
Huddling our small bodies inside
We'll sleep, we'll change
It's safer to think that way.'

'Why did you stop?'
'We're at school.'
He stepped off his board, stomping on the side so it got launched upwards and catching it. I did the same and followed him in, thinking about his song. There was something wrong with it. Class started, but I didn't listen. I was still thinking about the song. Something wasn't right with the lyrics.
"I was dancing with a wooden puppet of you..."
What did that even mean? And why did it give me goosebumps?
I snapped out of my thoughts. The whole class was staring at me.
'Yes, sensei?'
'Do you know the answer to my question?'
'What was the question, sensei?'
'Very well. Stay after class, Hasegawa.'

After a lecture about how I should focus in class, I went outside, knowing Reki was waiting for me. He was leaning against the wall next to the door, humming a little.
'Your song again?'
He looked up. 'Yeah. Let's go.'
We started skating.
'Could you finish the song? I'm kinda curious how it fully goes.'
'Oh, sure.'
He took a few deep breaths and started again.

'In other words, I was trapped in curiosity
Breaking through anything precious
A whole cake with no radiance
I was dancing with a wooden puppet of you.

Once again, in the closet
Huddling our small bodies inside
We'll sleep, we'll change
It's safer to think that way.

Don't abandon me, for I'm just a foolish child
Awaken your naive eyes before my muddled identity
All the toys were put away last night
I still want to stay as innocent as ever...

Affections are just high to throw away
Skinning away that precious memory
But if you regret this low-life
Shall a summer with a hopeless wish come.

Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow
Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow
Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow
Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow.

It seems like he was killed by curiosity
Testing it with sly means
Nothing will arise from such independence
I sang with a wholehearted smile.

Once again, in the closet
Waiting alone is always like this
It'll change, it'll end
It's confirmed.

Continue to seek that
Worth, worth, worth
As the second hand approaches
Roll it more 'till it's deep
Eventually, both heaven and earth will go upside down
Why? How come?
See, it all got blurred and transparent
I still remember the scenery I saw through the window
The yellow that is better off to disappear.

Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow
Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow
Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow
Yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow

You've purposedly mistaken that, that day will not arrive
Collapsed, divergence and disengagement
There's no salvation within your reach
Yet still, I recall your warmth...

Affections are just high to throw away
Skinning away that precious memory
But if you regret this low-life
Shall a summer with a hopeless wish come.'

He had finished his song. A few parts echoed through my mind.
"Wooden puppet of you... Breaking anything precious... Precious memory... He was killed... Smile... I saw through the window..."
'Langa? You good?'
'Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine.'
We had reached our metal pole.
'See you tonight? Or do you have an errand to run?'
'Of course I'm coming tonight, it's your beef against Shadow. Don't wanna miss that,' he answered.
We parted ways, while the parts of his song repeated in my head. Something wasn't right. Reki wasn't telling me something important, and that song had something to do with it, I'm sure.

Song used: translated version of Yellow by Kamiyama Yoh

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